How to Assign Permissions Centrally in Administration

How to Assign Permissions Centrally in Administration

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This section explains how to assign permissions to users/groups even for multiple accounts from the Administration section.

Related sections

Required permissions

Global permissions:

  • User management Users - edit

  • Possibly also: 

    • User management Groups - edit

    • User management Business roles - edit

    • User management Asset roles - edit


  1. Go to Administration > User Rights > Users.

  2. In the Users table open the row menu of a user and select Permissions
    To select multiple users, use the checkboxes at the beginning of the row and then click the Permissions button at the bottom.

  3. Select for which account/partition/integration the permissions should be set. There are three ways to do it:

    1. On the Assets tab select an account (or its individual partitions or integrations which are displayed after clicking the 'plus' icon at the beginning of the row) and click its name.
      If the account already has some permissions defined, it is marked green (see the stripe on the left in Assets).
      It is also possible to filter out only accounts where some permissions are already assigned – using the option at top left in Assets.
      You can also select multiple partitions/integrations using the check-boxes; to confirm this selection and move to the next step click OK. 

    2. On the Asset Group tab select an asset group (which already contains preselected accounts/partitions/integrations).

    3. Use the Global Asset Class tab (for power users only). For details see Global Asset Class (PFX Only).

  4. Select the appropriate permissions. 
    If the permission is enabled but grayed out it means it was set elsewhere (in a specific account, asset group or business role) and can be edited only there.
    Some permissions are marked with "?" meaning that their assignment goes through an approval.


 To be able to use Assets and Business Roles, do the permissions setup from a particular account. For details see Account User Rights.

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