Accelerator Relevance by Industry

Accelerator Relevance by Industry

The article provides an overview of how various functionalities of Accelerators are relevant to different industries such as Discrete Manufacturing, Chemicals and Process Manufacturing, and Distribution and Wholesale. It highlights the relevance of the different accelerators across these industries.

Acc by Industry.jpg

Illustration of Accelerator Relevance by Industry highlights various functionalities and their relevance to different industries. The table is divided into two main sections, each containing different sets of functionalities.

The key to reading and interpreting this table is based on the following legend:

Full Pie.jpg Full blue circle: Very High relevance, the Accelerator in this industry is almost always a good fit to start with. Additional configuration may be necessary, but it's typically light-touch.

3-4 Pie.jpg Three Quarter blue circle: High relevance, the Accelerator in this industry is a good fit to start with in 75%+ cases. Minor to moderate configuration adjustments may be necessary to accommodate Customer-specific needs.

Half Pie.jpg Half blue circle: Moderate relevance, the Accelerator in this industry is a good fit to start with in ±50% cases. Moderate configuration adjustments are usually necessary to accommodate Customer-specific needs.

1-4 Pie.jpg Quarter blue circle: Low relevance, the Accelerator in this industry is a good fit to start with in 25% or fewer cases. Significant configuration adjustments are usually necessary to accommodate Customer-specific needs.

Zero Pie.jpg Empty blue circle: No relevance, the Accelerator was not designed with this industry in mind and is not likely a fit. Major configuration adjustments are likely necessary to accommodate Customer-specific needs and it's likely better to start without the Accelerator.

Industry Detailed Analysis

  • Discrete Manufacturing Key Takeaways

    • High relevance for most functionalities, especially in Sales Insights, Customer Insights, Actionable Insights, Price Setting, Price Flexibility, Price List Impact Simulation, Price Waterfall Optimization, Agreements, CPQ, Negotiation Guidance, Product Recommendation, Rebate Management, Sales Compensation, Approval Workflow, and PricefxPlasma.

    • Moderate relevance in Integration Templates.

  • Chemicals and Process Manufacturing Key Takeaways

    • High relevance for functionalities such as Sales Insights, Customer Insights, Actionable Insights, Price Setting, Price Flexibility, Price List Impact Simulation, Price Waterfall Optimization, Agreements, CPQ, Negotiation Guidance, Product Recommendation, Rebate Management, Sales Compensation, Approval Workflow, and PricefxPlasma.

    • Some functionalities like Integration Templates show low to moderate relevance.

  • Distribution and Wholesale Key Takeaways

    • High relevance for most functionalities including Sales Insights, Customer Insights, Actionable Insights, Price Setting, Price Flexibility, Price List Impact Simulation, Price Waterfall Optimization, Agreements, CPQ, Negotiation Guidance, Product Recommendation, Rebate Management, Sales Compensation, Approval Workflow, and PricefxPlasma.

    • Moderate to low relevance in Integration Templates.

Accelerator to Industry Relevancy Conclusion

The table provides a comprehensive overview of how various functionalities are relevant to different industries. It highlights that most functionalities have high relevance across all three industries (Discrete Manufacturing, Chemicals and Process Manufacturing, Distribution and Wholesale), with some variations in moderate and low relevance for specific functionalities like Integration Templates. This information can be particularly useful for businesses in these industries to understand which tools and features are most beneficial for their operations.

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