Job Performance Traces

Job Performance Traces

When you’re testing background jobs (such as Calculated fields sets, Dataloads, Model Objects, Rebates) or calculations of Pricelists, Live Price Grids or Calculation Grids always use the Performance Trace. It shows you how long the elements of your logic took for execution, so you can compare performance "before" and "after" your changes.

Non-distributed jobs

To find the Performance trace of your finished calculation job:

  1. Navigate to Administration  Logs  Jobs & Tasks or in Pricelists, Live Price Grids or Calculation Grids overview click Ready value in Status column.

  2. Find the process you want to review and click on the "eye" symbol on the left side

  3. Review the timing of the critical elements. See this sample of Performance Trace:

    --------------------------------------------------------- Duration (ms) Count Execution element --------------------------------------------------------- 5116.20 100% ██████████ 1 CalcPG-sce-solutions-365-2978868-2EfdK ... 5022.99 98% █████████▓ 1 ├── calculateLocally ... 3807.97 74% ███████░░░ 2444 │ ├── PG_Batching_Line 1899.58 37% ███▓░░░░░░ 2444 │ │ ├── POS.flush ... 104.55 2% ░░░░░░░░░░ 2444 │ │ ├── ProductCost 0.45 0% ░░░░░░░░░░ 2444 │ │ │ ├── productLookup 0.71 0% ░░░░░░░░░░ 1 │ │ │ ├── search.ApplicationProperties 3.32 0% ░░░░░░░░░░ 8 │ │ │ ├── search.ProductExtensionAttributeMeta 8.21 0% ░░░░░░░░░░ 4 │ │ │ └── stream(PX3) 40.44 1% ░░░░░░░░░░ 2444 │ │ ├── BasePrice ... 34.06 1% ░░░░░░░░░░ 2444 │ │ ├── Cost 185.97 4% ░░░░░░░░░░ 2444 │ │ └── GrossMarginPct ...

Distributed PA data load

Go to Analytics > Data Manager > Data Loads > Job/Task Tracking > Message (job details) - tab Calculation Items in Job details and you will see performance logs for every batch item. There is even a possibility to download items from that batch in CSV.



Other distributed job

For master thread you can see the performance trace on the same place as for a single job (see above), unless this is implemented: https://pricefx.atlassian.net/browse/PM-3846

But for worker threads from logs from UI for now, be aware of limited log line length so you can see just part of the trace:

  1. Navigate to Administration  Logs  Logs

  2. Run the job

  3. Search through the log to find the correct trace

Another way is to ask support to find worker log traces for you. But if log line length is too short, it must be extended temporarily first by support staff, then job must be run again, then log line length set back to default value.

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