Action from Simple Link

When you need a link in the result field on e.g. quote line item, pricelist item, etc, and this link should trigger some action.


Logic element

  • must have formatType set to LINK.

  • must return the Context Link data as Map

  • can define the text of the link via label property


Example of link triggering creation of new Quote with 4 items:

return [ targetPage : AppPages.QC_NEW_QUOTE, targetPageState: [ targetPageTab : "items", targetPageItems : ["B-0001", "B-0002", "B-0003", "B-0004"], targetPageItemsStrategy: "append", targetPageTarget : "same", targetPageFields: [ externalRef: 'E2ERefAPPEND' ] ] ]

Example of link (with given label) triggering creation of new Agreement&Promotion contract with 3 conditions:

return [ label: 'Link to contract', targetPage : AppPages.PM_NEW_CONTRACT, targetPageState: [ targetPageTab : "items", targetPageItems : ["InputCharts", "Inline", "SimplePromotion"], targetPageItemsStrategy: "append", targetPageTarget : "same", targetPageFields: [ externalRef: 'E2ERefAPPEND' ] ] ]


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