Action from Dashboard
This section explains how to make a link which will perform a certain action for a given document.
Dashboard Portlet with a list of Quotes in Result Matrix
Example of using the linkCell() method to create a link with an action:
import net.pricefx.common.api.FieldFormatType
import net.pricefx.formulaengine.scripting.AppPages
def quotes = api.find("Q", 0, 10, "-uniqueName")
def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix().withColumnFormats([
"uniqueName" : FieldFormatType.STRING,
"label" : FieldFormatType.STRING,
"expiryDate" : FieldFormatType.DATE,
"workflowStatus": FieldFormatType.STRING,
"action" : FieldFormatType.LINK
def getTargetPageState(itemId) {
return [
id : itemId,
tpAction: 'SUBMIT'
def rows = quotes.collect {
uniqueName: it.uniqueName,
label : it.label,
expiryDate: it.expiryDate,
workflowStatus: it.workflowStatus,
action : it.workflowStatus == "DRAFT" ?
) : null
return resultMatrix.withRows(rows)
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