PfxFetch Toolbar

PfxFetch Toolbar

PfxFetch toolbar is used to read/fetch the configuration from a remote partition and store it to your local project in form of folders and files. It is commonly used to fetch logics and table fields definitions.

To learn what configurations can be read from a partition, see Supported Object Types.

The structure of the folders and files created in your project/module is described in Configuration Package.

Available Actions

The list of actions in the order of appearance on the PfxFetch toolbar screenshot.

  • Select module – Decides which connection config file (config.json) should be used. Each module/project can have its own connection config file. The toolbar will either use the connection config file found in the selected module, or (if not found) from the project.

  • Environment – Select an environment from the list defined in the connection config file.

  • Partition – Select a partition (from a list of partitions available in the selected environment) from which the tool should read the metadata.

  • Select All Objects – Selects all object types and objects available on the partition for the fetch operation.

  • Refresh – Reloads the list of objects of the selected type from the connected partition to see the current state. This is useful if you (or someone else) have deployed some objects in the meantime and need to refresh the list.

  • Compare local object against server (only for some objects) – Compares the configuration of the selected object with the configuration stored in your project. This is useful to check if there are any changes made by others on the partition which were not committed to Git.

  • Delete Objects on Partition (only for some objects) – Deletes selected objects from the selected partition. This can be useful to clean old objects, e.g. after a release.

  • List of Object Types – List of Supported Object Types.

  • List of Objects – List of objects of the selected Object Type, found on the selected partition.

  • With Preferences (only for some objects) – When set, the tool will fetch also the global default Preference for that object found on the partition.

  • Include Data (only for Company Parameters and Users) – When set, the tool will also fetch data records from the selected object, and store them as a CSV file in the local project. This is meant only for small, typically static or initial, control data. It should never be used for ordinary pricing data.

  • Fetch – Performs the download from the partition to the disk.


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