Model Calculation Logic

Model Calculation Logic

The model calculation logic is meant for model calculations – usually long running calculations, data crunching, data preparation, wrangling, machine learning, AI optimization, etc. As they can take long, they are executed asynchronously.

The model calculation logic is executed at the beginning of a step, i.e. when the user:

  • Gets to the first step of a newly created Model.

  • Navigates to the next step of the Model.

It is always executed before the tabs of the step are evaluated.

This logic results are provided in many forms - see the Expected logic execution outcome at the end of the Logic API below.


Calculation logics are used/referenced in model calculations, they are always used in a given step as declared in the Model Class and executed at the beginning of the step, that is before any of the tabs of the same step could be evaluated.

Logic API

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