Model Evaluation Configurator Logic

Model Evaluation Configurator Logic

This logic defines a page content of a tab with the type configurator which provides the user with a tab with many input fields whose values typically depend on each other. So this logic builds the Configurator form with dynamic input fields.

This logic is almost identical to Form Logic (Configurator Reference) – the only difference is that it also gets the binding variable model – so we will describe here just the specifics of this evaluation configurator logic.

Logic API

  • Logic Nature: model_evaluation

  • Execution Types:

    • Standard – Builds the input fields based on the model’s current tab inputs, previous steps inputs and previous calculations outputs.

  • Information provided to the logic:

    • Standard:

      • model (see ModelEvaluationFormulaContext) – Includes Model table, inputs from previous steps and outputs from previous calculations.

      • input – Values of all inputs from the current tab, provided by the user.

  • Expected logic execution outcome:

    • Form’s sections and input fields – provided via the output of visible element logic.

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