ccy - Currency Conversion (Data Source)
Currency conversion table is used for automatic conversion of money fields in Datamart.
Once the Datamart is set up, the exchange rates will be applied automatically. See How to Set up Currency Conversion in Datamart.
The exchange rates are looked up at the query time, meaning there is no need to refresh Datamart after updating exchange rates.
The conversion rates needed for pricing purposes usually do not change every day, typically they remain valid for a week or a month. The currency conversions can be specified either per day, or per date range.
CcyFrom – Symbol of the currency from which we convert.
CcyTo – Symbol of the currency to which we convert.
CcyExchangeRate – Exchange rate number – how to convert from CcyFrom to CcyTo.
CcyValidFrom – (Date) First date from which this exchange rate is valid. (or, if using daily conversions, it is "the" day).
CcyValidTo – (Date) Last date of the exchange rate validity. This is calculated automatically by the system, there is no need to import it.
Daily Conversion Optimization
Only if your ccy Data Source contains a conversion rate for every single day (and not a date range), define also Administration › Configuration › Analytics › Analytics General Settings › Enable DM query optimization relying on daily currency conversion rates.
To ensure correct functioning, we recommend that you include in your conversion dataset also these conversions:
From the Datamart’s base currency to all other currencies which you use in your Datamart records.
Back and forth (e.g. USD → EUR, EUR → USD).
1:1 (e.g. USD → USD).
Since 14.0 - Caribou Lou.
Admin users are not allowed to delete any of the default Data Sources created by the system out of the box. This change is related to the following list of Data Sources.
Name | Label |
| Customer |
| Product |
| Calendar |
| Currencies |
| Unit of Measures |
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