Configure Business Calendar
Business calendar is used automatically in Datamarts for every date field to determine into which business/fiscal week, month, quarter and year the date belongs. Such new dimensional fields (like month, year, …) are then used for filtering and aggregation of the Datamart data.
This "cal" Data Source table exists out-of-the-box, and you cannot modify its fields. Configuration means here that you populate the table with records which will drive the dates conversion.
In this article you will create the calendar conversion data using a built-in process which generates conversion based on Gregorian calendar. If you need your own special business/fiscal conversions, you need to upload the data into the cal Data Source.
Once the calendar is populated, it can look in the application like this:
Generate Data
Navigate to Analytics › Data Manager › Data Loads.
Find the Data Load with Target and Type Calendar.
Click the label of the Data Load to open the detail.
Start the Data Load by clicking Run Data Load. The Data Load will be scheduled for execution. It is usually in the Pending state for about 1 minute before it is executed. Use Refresh in Job/Task Tracking to see if the job has started and finished.
Wait until the job gets to the Ready state. The process of calendar data creation itself is really quick, so it should not take more than 1 minute altogether.
Review Generated Calendar
Navigate to Analytics › Data Manager › Data Sources.
Click the Data Source Label Calendar to open its detail.
Click the tab Data to see the content of the Data Source.
Review the generated data, how each day/date is mapped to a specific week, quarter and fiscal year. The actual content (spread of dates) will depend on the date when you generate them.
Note that the calendar uses US locale.
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