Setting up a New Project

In order to introduce TDD4C to you logic, you need to use Pricefx Studio or packaging to be able to fetch logics from the server. Then, set up a Git repo for your project, which will allow you to have continuous integration job on PFX Gitlab like

Create a Root pom.xml File

  1. Create a Maven metadata file where you enable Groovy usage and pull all the dependencies. Right click the project root folder in Studio and choose New > Create pom.xml from the menu. Or alternatively create the pom.xml file manually in the root folder of your project, looking like this one (substitute "myproject" with you project name). 

    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <name>Price f(x) MyProject Logic</name>
            <!-- testing -->
            <!-- maven -->
            <!-- Test -->
                <id>Default repo</id>
                <id>Pricefx public maven artifacts</id>
  2. Reopen the project and choose Add as Maven project when prompted.
  3. Make sure you marked the CalculationLogicTest folder as Test Sources Root in IDEA. This should be done by default during the action Upgrade Studio Project Libraries.

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