pfx-api:flush, pfx:dmFlush - Flush Data from Datamart
pfx-api:flush, pfx:dmFlush - Flush Data from Datamart
This component is used to copy records from a DataFeed table into a DataSource table (rundataload:DS_FLUSH). The attributes id
, dataSourceName
and DataFeedName
are required. If the attribute incrementalDate
is specified, the incremental version of rundataload
is used.
Attributes | Description | Required by pfx:dmFlush | Required by pfx-api |
| ID of the component used for the route name | yes | not available |
| Name of the data source table | yes | yes |
| Name of the data feed table | yes | no |
| Value with an incremental date | no | no |
Example of use in camel-context.xml:
<to uri="pfx-api:flush?dataFeedName=DMF.Prices&dataSourceName=DMDS.Prices"/>
<to uri="pfx-api:flush?dataSourceName=DMDS.Prices"/>
<to uri="pfx-api:flush?dataSourceName=DMDS.Prices&incrementalDate=2018-01-01T10:12:01"/>
Deprecated from 1.1.15.
<pfx:dmFlush id="flushTransactionCostsDS" dataSourceName="DMDS.TransactionCosts" dataFeedName="DMF.TransactionCosts" incrementalDate="simple:property[costsLoadDate]"/>
, multiple selections available,
IntegrationManager version 6.0.0