pfx-api:fetch, pfx-dsFetch - Fetch Data from Data Source
This component is used to get the required data from Pricefx. It retrieves arbitrary objects from the backend. You can define here filters, sort order and paging. However, some object types are restricted from the general fetch.
Attributes | Description | Required? |
| Bean ID | yes |
| Type of the Pricefx table (P, C, CX, PX, etc.) | yes |
| Filter of records in the table | yes |
| Returns the number of valid records for a specific filter definition. | no |
| no |
| Used for paging |
| Used for paging |
| yes – for |
<to uri="pfx-api:fetch?objectType=P&filter=allProductsFilter"/>
<to uri="pfx-api:fetch?filter=pxCarsFilter&objectType=PX&batchedMode=true&batchSize=5000"/>
<to uri="pfx-api:fetch?filter=pxCarsFilter&objectType=PX"/>
<log message="${body}"/>
You cannot tamper the body before pfx-api:fetch
call in split, otherwise the call would not recognize batch and fetch without batching.
<pfx:filter id="allProductsFilter" resultFields="sku,label">
<pfx:dsFetch id="fetchAllProducts" objectType="P" filter="allProductsFilter"/>
IntegrationManager version 6.0.0