Pricing Requirements

Pricing Requirements


The customer has the need for populating several company parameter tables that contain pricing variable information. We need to use the supplied CSV file and migration their information into new parameter tables into your Pricefx partition while properly mapping the CSV columns into the correct data structure and assigned attributes. One of these CSV files contains cost plus criteria for our business units and product groups while the other contains our markup values for our different packaging types.


Use the following data sources and structures for this task:

• Company Parameters (must be created)

o Cost Plus

o Package Costs

• CSV Data:

o Cost Plus CSV file

o Package Costs CSV file

Data Layouts

There are multiple files related to this requirement and below are the layouts of the CSV files.


Layout of the Package Costs CSV file:

• Package Type

• Value %


Layout of the Cost Plus CSV file:

• Package Type

• Value %

Acceptance Criteria

Develop a data integration solution using the IM template(s) that successfully migrates the CSV data into the appropriately defined and structured table or tables in the partition. Your solution should contain the following components:

1. PlatformManager/IntegrationManager:

a. IntegrationManager Instance and companion

b. SFTP server SFTP folder(s)

c. Utilization of case study partition

d. Correct metadata definition for all transaction data

e. Utilization of IM template(s) to create:

i. Mappers

ii. Routes

iii. Connections

2. Partition:

a. Company Parameter structures

b. Populated tables

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