Admin YTD Summary (Sales Compensation)

Admin YTD Summary (Sales Compensation)

This dashboard is designed to provide a quick year-to-date overview for administrators. It shows “where we are“ for a current year regarding Sales (Revenue) vs. Compensations paid to different Sellers. You can also drill down if you want to find more details on a specific Payout or Seller.

Access to this dashboard is restricted to users with the user group SC_Administrator (label: [SC] Administrator).

Dashboard Settings

You can set the following fields:

  • Seller(s) – Allows you to select one or more Sellers. If left empty, the whole salesforce is selected.

  • Reporting Currency

    • If Source Currency is selected, the dashboard works with just pre-currency changes (no filtering, all results in Datamart currency).

    • If Payout Currency is selected, an additional option is displayed:

      • Compensation Plan Currency – Allows you to select a currency from those specified as “Payout Currency“ in plan(s) of the selected Seller(s). Mandatory field.


  • Only “Approved” or “Superseded“ Compensation Plans are taken into account.

  • Only CORs (in any state) for Plans in “Approved“ or “Superseded“ status are taken into account.


Compensations YTD Summary (Payout Summary Portlet)

Shows sums from the beginning of the year until now for the selected Seller(s), covering all their Compensation Plans. The sums are for:

  • Revenue – Sum of all transactional revenue (YTD sales in the pre-changes Payout table, without any aggregation).

  • Compensations – Sum of YTD compensations for all payouts from the Payout table.

  • Margin % – Equals to “Total Margin / Revenue” (similarly to YTD Margin % in the pre-changes Payout table, without any aggregation).

  • Total Margin – Sum off all margins (YTD Margin in the pre-changes Payout table, without any aggregation).

Payouts Overview (Payout Table Portlet)

Provides a high level overview with a split between individual, group and SPIFF compensations. It has information on when the respective line was or will be paid.
Numbers with a yellow background are incomplete summaries for the next month. Until their end date is finalized, their value can change.

  • Seller ID – Stands for Seller ID of a given COR. CORs are filtered for this year but the payout date has to be earlier than today. The currency filter stays as is. Each Seller has a color assigned (in this column only). It is a different color than in the Payout Date column.

  • Payout Date – Stands for the Payout Date of a given COR. Each Payout Date has a color assigned (in this column only). It is a different color than in the Seller column.

  • Seller YTD Compensation Total – Sum from CORs (compensation) for a given Seller. If the Seller has more Payout Dates, the same sum is listed on every row.

  • Seller / Payout Date Compensation Total – Sum from CORs (compensation) for given keys (Seller and Payout Date).

  • Baseline columns of various kinds (e.g. Revenue Baseline, Margin Baseline etc.). There are as many “baseline columns” as there are different baseline fields (used for the whole table). Value: Sum of the baseline from CORs of a given “type“ (Revenue + Revenue, Margin + Margin etc.).

  • Individual Compensation – Contribution to “Seller / Payout Date Compensation Total“ of Individual plans for the given keys (Seller, Date).

  • Group Compensation – Contribution to “Seller / Payout Date Compensation Total“ of Group plans for the given keys (Seller, Date).

  • SPIFF Compensation – Contribution to “Seller / Payout Date Compensation Total“ of SPIFF plans for the given keys (Seller, Date).

Drill-down on Details

It is possible to drill down to Payout or Seller details from this dashboard. In Payouts Overview, the information is grouped by Seller and Payout Date. When you select one or more rows, there are additional options displayed below the table:

The context buttons are:

  • Payout Date Details – Takes you to the Payouts and Plans dashboard with the following inputs:

    • Seller(s) – Unselected

    • Reporting Currency – Source Currency

    • Payout Year – Year of the payout on the selected row

    • Payout Date – Specific date of the payout on the selected row

  • Payout / Seller Details – Takes you to the Payouts and Plans dashboard with the following inputs:

    • Seller(s) – Specific seller on the selected row

    • Reporting Currency – Payout currency

    • Compensation Plan Currency – Specific currency on the selected row

    • Payout Year – Year of the payout on the selected row

    • Payout Date – Specific date of the payout on the selected row

  • Seller Yearly Overview – Takes you to the Seller Overview dashboard with the following inputs:

    • Seller(s) – Specific seller on the selected row

    • Compensation Plan – Unselected

    • Payout Currency – Optional, depending on whether it was specified

    • Year – Year of the payout on the selected row

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