Seller Overview (Sales Compensation)

Seller Overview (Sales Compensation)

This dashboard provides a progress overview for a particular Sales Agent for the current year. A central focus is to show income in a form of a table and bar charts for Compensation Plans or time periods (months, quarters, …).

Its primary use is for Sales Agents but it will give valuable insights to Sales Managers or SC Administrators as a supportive analytical tool.

Dashboard Settings

You can set the following fields:

  • Seller – Allows you to select a Sales Agent. The Compensation Plan input is affected by the selected value. For a given Sales Agent, this field is pre-filled. Sales Managers can see their reports and themselves.

  • Compensation Plan(s) – Allows you to select one or more specific Compensation Plans. If left empty, all agreements assigned to the agent are compared. Only Approved or Superseded Compensation Plans are available here.

  • Payout Currency – This field is pre-filled and read only if there is just one value – all plans are paid out in the same currency. If more currencies are used, this field allows you to select one.

  • Year – This field is pre-filled and read only if there is just one value – the selected plan was valid for one year for a given seller. For plans that span multiple years (start/end date) you can select more values. (This can be handy if you want see the history, compare previous years with the current one etc.) When a current year is selected, the dashboard shows Year To Date values.


Year To Date Compensation By Time Period

This portlet is labelled as “Compensation by Month”.

It is a stacked column chart aggregating all compensations for the selected Sales Agent in time periods. If no specific Compensation Plan was selected, one bar combines all Compensation Plans together giving a total compensation sum that was paid out to the Sales Agent.

Year To Date Compensation By Compensation Plan

This portlet is labelled as “Total Compensation“.

It is a pie chart showing the contribution of compensations in individual plans.

Year To Date Compensation Plan Table

This portlet is labelled as “Compensation Reference Table“.

It is a summary table showing the breakup of Compensation Plans through Line Items (conditions) down to Compensation Record in a single table. A user can see which lines or periods are outliers.

When you select one or more rows in the table, there are two context buttons at the bottom of the table:

  • Transaction Details which opens the Transactions and Statistics dashboard with some of the context information already prefilled.

  • Plan Details which opens details of the Compensation Plan which was selected in the table or which belongs to the selected Compensation Records.

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