Event-driven Process (Customer Integration)

Event-driven Process (Customer Integration)

This article describes how SAP Integration Suite can enable customer master synchronization between S/4HANA and Pricefx using event-driven approach.


Step 0: Pricefx Setup and SAP S/4HANA Events Setup

Pricefx Setup

  1. Configure customer master table in Pricefx to store the necessary fields from SAP S/4HANA.

  2. Optionally, configure any Customer Extension tables in Pricefx to store the necessary fields from SAP S/4HANA.

  3. Optionally, configure any Price Parameter tables in Pricefx to store the necessary fields from SAP S/4HANA.

SAP S/4HANA Events Setup

  1. Configure SAP S/4HANA to publish business partner updates events to SAP Event Mesh.

  2. Configure a queue in SAP Event Mesh to subscribe to these events.

For more details, see SAP Event Mesh Configuration.

You might have a different S/4HANA or Event Mesh environment. Please refer to SAP official documentation for more information and troubleshooting. Pricefx does not provide any support to your SAP environment.

Step 1: Listen to Business Partner Events from SAP Event Mesh

This integration flows listen to events from SAP Event Mesh. You should configure S/4HANA to publish business partner updates events to SAP Event Mesh. If you do not use SAP Event Mesh, you should build your own event listening integration flow.

See https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACCDEV/pages/4571430915/Set+up+Integration+Flows+-+Event+Driven#SAP-S%2F4HANA-Event-Listener.

Step 2: Aggregate SAP S/4HANA Business Partner Events from SAP Event Mesh

This integration flow aggregates the business partner events from SAP S/4HANA. It is duplicated and modified from “Aggregate SAP S/4HANA Events from SAP Event Mesh” from “Sample Artifacts for SAP S/4HANA Integration with Pricefx“ package.

See https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACCDEV/pages/4571430915/Set+up+Integration+Flows+-+Event+Driven#Step-1%3A-Aggregate-messages-from-SAP-S%2F4HANA-and-write-to-Pricefx.

Step 3: Build Batched SAP S/4HANA Customer Response from List of Business Partner IDs

This integration flow builds a list of SAP S/4HANA customers by calling SAP S/4HANA OData batch GET service.

See https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACCDEV/pages/4571430915/Set+up+Integration+Flows+-+Event+Driven#Step-2%3A-Get-Updated-Entities-from-SAP-S%2F4HANA-from-Entity-IDs-List.

Below parameters have to be configured:

  1. OData connection properties


Below parameters can be configured but default values are provided:

  1. Sender – The process direct incoming path of this integration flow.

  2. Main receiver – The integration flow which writes Customer response to Pricefx Customer Master.

  3. Multicast receiver – The integration flow which writes Customer response to other Pricefx tables.

  4. Log receiver – The logging integration flow.

  5. AIR receiver – The integration flow which retrieves AIR from Pricefx.

  6. Transaction handling

  7. Error data store

  8. Split and Gather properties

  9. XPath for extracting customer ID

  10. Message Mapping to build a batch request to get a list of customers


Major steps carried out by this integration flow include:

  1. Remove duplicates.

  2. Initialize properties and SAP AIR key.

  3. Call to another mapping to build a batch GET request message by the distinct IDs.

  4. Call SAP S/4HANA OData batch GET service to get the list of updated SAP S/4HANA customers.

  5. Multicast the list of updated SAP S/4HANA customers to integration flows to write to different Pricefx tables. Branch 1 goes to the customer master, while branch 2 goes to another integration flow which consists of all other branches. A sample “Multicast Customer response from SAP S/4HANA to processing flows” is provided in the package. See https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACCDEV/pages/4571430915/Set+up+Integration+Flows+-+Event+Driven#Step-3%3A-Multicast-Response-to-All-Entities-in-Pricefx.



Step 4: Write Records to Pricefx

These integration flows are where the multicast branches go to. One duplicate of “Write Records to Pricefx” is required for each table.

See https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACCDEV/pages/4571430915/Set+up+Integration+Flows+-+Event+Driven#Step-4%3A-Write-Records-to-Pricefx.

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