CPQ Inputs Configuration in Wizard - OBSOLETE

CPQ Inputs Configuration in Wizard - OBSOLETE

They are both obsolete from version 2.0, as they were replaced by CPQ Configuration Wizard.

Price Parameters

  • CPQInputConfiguration

  • CPQOutputConfiguration


  1. In the CPQ Package you need to define a logic for the configuration wizard and wizard executor first. Go to Administration → Configuration Wizard Admin and define Name, Label, Wizard Formula (Configurator), Execution Formula.

    To provide a better guidance, we created an example label with “CPQ Inputs Wizard” and “CPQ Outputs Wizard”.

  2. After the Configuration Wizard Admin is created, you can use it for the configuration. Go to Master Data → Configuration Wizards → choose which wizard you want to use.

How It Works

CPQ Inputs Wizard

The CPQ Inputs Configuration defines input fields which should be available in the Quote Header and defines if the field is also used in the Customer or Product filter. The CPQ Inputs Wizard provides you three options when you open it:

  • Create – Creates a new configuration input for CPQInputConfiguration PP. See details below.

  • Edit – Edits an existing configuration input for CPQInputConfiguration PP. See details below.

  • Detete – Deletes an existing configuration input for CPQInputConfiguration PP. See details below.


Details on “Create”

Enter a Name (preferably with no spaces, e.g. cClass, pGroup). Then press the tab key to apply the setting. If the name already exists, you will be notified.

After the name check, the next configuration is shown (after pressing the tab key): Required fields. You need to fill in Name, Label, Level (if you do not fill all required fields, the OK button will not be displayed).

The default configuration:

If you choose OPTION/ OPTIONS as Input Type, some hidden input fields will be displayed:

The Source Table (with Source Type: P, C, PX, CX, PP) and Source Field are sorted in the ascending (A-Z) alphabetical order. The displayed lists in the Source Table and Source Field will be ‘name’, not ‘label’. If you do not define a label for fields, the list of Source Fields will not be displayed.

Details on “Edit” and “Delete”

Select the item to edit or delete from the Name drop-down list.

After you make your changes and click the OK button, this input configuration will be added automatically into the CPQInputConfiguration PP. You need to click Refresh in the PP table and then the Recalculate button in the Quote to apply it.

Example configurations:

For more details on configuration see CPQ Package Configurations. You can use the name and label instead of the technical name.

+ Customer Filter / Product Filter: When you use this filter, the logic will get the value of these inputs and pass them to the filter logic. Then it will be applied to the Customer field on the header level or to the Product on the line item level.

How to configure:

  • Yes/No

  • or Customer/Product attribute based on your input Source Field

We provide the default implementation of customer/product filters for Source Type = P/C and Input Type = OPTION/OPTIONS. But you still need to build your own filter logic for the remaining source types and input types to work.

Customer/ Product Filter Operator with supported values (drop-down):

  • OP_EQUAL (default for other supported input types)








  • OP_IN (default for input type is OPTIONS)


+ Value Options Filtered By Customer/ Product (only applies when Input Type is OPTION, OPTIONS): When you select the Customer field on the header level or the Product on the line item level, we will show input values based on that. It is opposed to the Customer / Product Filter.

How to configure:

  • If Source Type is P/C → you only need to input customerId or sku

  • Other Source Types, e.g: attribute of Customer Class (CX) = attribute of Customer Class (C)

There will be the following warning message if the value options are not found:

CPQ Outputs Wizard

The CPQ Outputs Configuration can show/hide outputs in the CPQ Accelerators. It allows business users to set what fields are visible in quoting and for which user groups those fields are available. Up to now this had to be set up in the logic itself.

For more details on configuration see CPQ Package Configurations.

Use the CPQOutputConfiguration PP or go to Master Data → Configuration Wizards → CPQ Outputs Wizard.

This is how you set up the access: in the PP table above, only user belonging to the given user group can see the items.

Note: When you change, update/delete something in the PP table, please remember to recalculate and save your quote first, then the other user group will not see it when they open it. Both the Header and Line Item level will be hidden. If a user has full admin roles, this configuration will not work.

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