Core Configuration
- 1 Package Configuration Source
- 2 Historical Data Configuration
- 3 Product Prices Configuration
- 4 Customer Mapping Configuration
- 5 Cost Configuration
- 6 Price Competitors Configuration
- 7 Price Guidance Configuration
- 8 Standard Discount Configuration
- 9 Rebate Configuration
- 10 Publishing Template Data Configuration
- 11 Other Configurations
Package Configuration Source
CPQ Package reads configurations from:
Advanced Configuration with the key named "cpq-default"
Price Parameter table named "CPQConfiguration"
Those can be different per quote type, see Configuration Per Quote Type for more details.
Configurations defined in the Price Parameter table will override those in Advanced Configuration.
Historical Data Configuration
Name | Description |
historicalPeriod | Optional. Historical period (the default is 12 months). |
dm_name | Datamart name |
dm_invoice_id_column | Invoice ID column name |
dm_invoice_price_column | Invoice price column name |
dm_net_price_column | Net price column name |
dm_margin_column | Margin column name |
dm_pricing_date_column | Pricing date column name |
dm_product_id_column | Product ID column name |
dm_quantity_column | Quantity column name |
dm_per_unit_price_column | Price per unit column. The default is: invoice_price_column / quantity_column. |
dm_customer_id_column | Customer ID column name |
revenue_FilterField | Revenue filter column |
revenue_FilterType | Revenue filter type. Supported types:
It applies to Product Weighted Avg. Price in Quote (Product History result). |
revenue_FilterValue | Revenue filter value. It can be a Customer attribute to get data or absolute data to filter. |
Product Prices Configuration
Name | Description |
pxProductPriceLookupLevel | Product price lookup level. There are four levels supported:
Multiple levels can be used – separate them by a comma and give priority by their order. |
Customer Mapping Configuration
Customer attribute mapping is required to get a product price for each level if the price is not found in the price list.
Name | Description |
customerCountryAttribute | Customer country master table (e.g. attribute5) |
customerRegionAttribute | Customer region master table (e.g. attribute6) |
customerSegmentAttribute | Customer segment master table (e.g. attribute7) |
customerCurrency | Customer currency master table (e.g. attribute8) |
Cost Configuration
Name | Description |
pxCostTable | Required if the configuration at quote type level is not defined. The PX name that contains the product cost. |
pxCost | Required. The column contains cost data. Default “attribute1”. |
pxCostCurrency | Optional. The column contains currency data. |
pxCostTargetDate | Optional. The column contains valid from date data. |
pxCostValidToDate | Optional. The column contains valid to date data. |
pxCostFilterKey1|2|3|4|5|6 | Optional. Additional dimension to configure the cost. There are maximum six dimensions allowed. |
pxCostFilterType1|2|3|4|5|6 | Optional. Value type for each dimension. Supported types:
pxCostFilterValue1|2|3|4|5|6 | Optional. Value attribute for each dimension. |
pxCostFilterValueSource1|2|3|4|5|6 | Optional. Name of PX or CX to get the value. |
Price Competitors Configuration
Price Competitors can be obtained from both PX and Competition Data.
Name | Description |
pxCompetitorDate | Target Date column |
pxCompetitorName | Competitor Name column |
pxCompetitorPrice | Competitor Price column |
pxCompetitorCurrency | Competitor currency column |
Price Guidance Configuration
Price Guidance can be obtained from PX and PriceOptimizer.
PriceOptimizer Configurations
Name | Description |
poPriceGuidanceModelName | PriceOptimizer model ID for the product price guidance |
poPriceGuidanceTargetPrice | Target price column |
poPriceGuidanceFloorPrice | Floor price column |
poPriceGuidanceStretchPrice | Stretch price column |
poPriceGuidanceCurrency | Currency column |
poPriceGuidanceSegmentEntryLookupLevel1|2|3|4|5|6|… | Segmentation name for each level. You need to configure all segmentation levels that the selected model defines. |
poPriceGuidanceSegmentEntryLookupTypeLevel1|2|3|4|5|6|… | The source data type for the segmentation. Supported types:
The system will get the data from the source for specific product/customer and search for the segmentation. |
poPriceGuidanceSegmentEntryLookupColumnLevel1|2|3|4|5|6|… | The attribute of the source type that is used to get data for each Segmentation. |
poPriceGuidanceSegmentEntryLookupTableLevel1|2|3|4|5|6|… | Name of PX or CX to get the value. |
Product Extension Configuration
Name | Description |
pxGuidanceTargetPrice | Target price column |
pxGuidanceFloorPrice | Floor price column |
pxGuidanceStretchPrice | Stretch price column |
pxGuidanceTargetDate | Target date column |
pxGuidanceCurrency | Currency column |
pxGuidanceFilterKey1|2|3|4|5|6|... | Optional. The column of price guidance product extension table that is used in the filter. |
pxGuidanceFilterType1|2|3|4|5|6|... | Optional. The source data type. Supported types:
pxGuidanceFilterValue1|2|3|4|5|6|... | Optional. The attribute of the source type. |
pxGuidanceFilterValueSource1|2|3|4|5|6|... | Optional. Name of PX or CX to get the value. |
Standard Discount Configuration
Name | Description |
ppStandardDiscountFilterType1|2|3|4|5|6 | Value type for each dimension. Supported types:
ppStandardDiscountFilterValue1|2|3|4|5|6 | Attribute to get the value using a filter. |
ppStandardDiscountFilterValueSource1|2|3|4|5|6 | Name of PX or CX to get the value. |
Rebate Configuration
Name | Description |
rebateCalculation | Rebate calculation plan. Supported values are:
Publishing Template Data Configuration
Name | Description |
publishing_template_docx_quote_{name_use_in_template} | Gets data from the quote object. The value of the config should be the attribute you want to get. E.g. publishing_template_docx_quote_quoteName: uniqueName |
publishing_template_docx_customer_{name_use_in_template} | Gets data from the customer object. |
publishing_template_docx_lineItem_{name_use_in_template} | Gets data from the lineItem object. The value on the lineItem level can be an input name or output name. |
Other Configurations
Name | Description |
productFilterLogic | Product filter logic name used to the filter quote products. |
customerFilterLogic | Customer logic name used to filter the customers. |
customerFilterOnQuoteType | Optional. Default value: default. |
productFilterOnQuoteType | Optional. Default value: default. |
displayPriceInput | Shows/hides the price input on each line item. Possible values: true | false |
displayDiscountPercentageInput | Shows/hides the discount % input on each line item. Possible values: true | false |
priceVsDiscountPctInputPriority | Defines priority of the price input and discount % input. Possible values: priceInputPriority, discountPercentageInputPriority | discountPercentageInputPriority, priceInputPriority |
predefinedBindingAsScriptProperty | Auto-injected predefined binding as library elements variables. See Predefined Variables for more details. |