Transactions and Statistics (Sales Compensation)

Transactions and Statistics (Sales Compensation)

This dashboard provides an overview of all transactions included in the calculation of the selected Compensation Plan with the possibility to further filter on specific compensation record or transaction date.

The dashboard is for Sales Agents, Sales Managers as well as Sales Compensations administrators. Sales Agents can see only their own data, Sales Managers can see details for all their reports (based on the “Reports To“ field in the Seller Master table) and SC Admins have unlimited selection.

Dashboard Settings

You can set the following fields:

  • Seller(s) – Allows you to select a Seller group. If left empty, the whole salesforce is selected (based on permissions). It is pre-selected and read-only for Sales Agents. Only reporting agents can be selected by Sales Managers.

  • Compensation Plan Currency – Allows you to select a currency from those in which plans were created. If a currency is selected, it limits the possible selection in the other inputs. If nothing is selected, the dashboard uses Datamart Source Currency.

  • Compensation Plan Type(s) – Allows you to select one or more Compensation Plan Types: Individual, Group or SPIFF. If left empty, all types are selected.

  • Compensation Plan Status(es) – Allows you to select one or more Compensation Plan States. If left empty, all states are selected. See also a note below.

  • Compensation Plan(s) – Allows you to select one or more Compensation Plans for a sales person of the selected Compensation Plan Type. If left empty, all plans are selected.

  • Compensation Record(s) – Allows you to select one or more Compensation Records associated with a given Compensation Plan. If left empty, all records are selected.

  • Date from/to – Defines time range for the dashboard. If left empty, there is no date filtering.


Note on Compensation Plan Status

  • Sales Agents: They can see ONLY statuses “Approved“ and “Superseded“ if those are applicable for “their” plans. They cannot delete all possible values (Approved and Superseded if any).

  • Sales Managers (as they have Manage Plans user role) and Administrators: They are NOT limited to any selection and they can leave the field blank which acts as “no filter”.

  • The input is pre-populated to “Approved“ by default for all roles.


Transactions Statistics

Statistical overview of the selected scope from Compensation Plans in a form of several tiles. The following information is represented:

  • Number of Transactions

  • Number of unique SKUs (Products IDs)

  • Total <Baseline>

  • Number of Sales Agents

  • Number of unique Customers

  • Number of Negative <Baseline> Transactions

Note: There are as many Baseline rows in the tile as there are different baseline fields in the scope, e.g. Quantity, Invoice Price.

Transaction List

A list of selected columns from source transactions that were used as calculation baseline for the selected scope.

  • Date

  • Seller ID

  • Seller Name

  • Customer ID

  • Product ID

  • Baseline – There are as many Baseline columns as there different Baseline Types in all the CORs listed in this table.

Compensation Records

Provides information about attributes for Compensation Records. It can contain just one line if the analysis is focused on one specific condition from the Compensation Plan.

The “ID” column is an active link leading directly to the full detail of the Compensation Record, similarly for “Compensation Plan ID” which leads to the full detail of the Compensation Plan. The SC Administrator can follow the link and see a context that was not available on the dashboard. An example is “Calculation Baseline“ showing raw transaction data for the selected Compensation Record.

  • ID of the Compensation Record

  • Name of the Compensation Record

  • Label of the Compensation Record

  • Seller ID

  • Seller Name

  • Compensation Plan ID

  • Compensation Plan

  • Compensation Plan Type

This table is affected by the Date From/To Filters, which means that if there is an overlap of the record validity dates with the currently defined dates, then the record will be displayed in the table.

Tip: Use Group By option on a column you would like to aggregate.

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