Shared Library
Shared Library contains many useful utilities, which are commonly needed by developers in implementation of projects.
This library is, for example, used across all Pricefx Accelerators.
Overview of available utils:
Batch - simplifies working with batching in pricelist calculations.
Cache - commonly needed utility when caching data loaded from tables
Date - helps with date conversions
Metadata - many data tables have customizable attributes. This set of utils simplifies working with them.
Microsoft Teams - if you want to send messages from pricefx to MS Teams channels
Number - numeric conversions
Result Matrix - simplifies common task conversion of List to Result Matrix
Rounding - rounding of numbers using various rounding modes
Statistics - calculate medians from list of numbers
Stopwatch - when you need to measure duration of your code, while doing performance optimizations
Stream - unify working with streams
See GroovyDoc with detailed documentation of Shared library packages and functions