Dashboards Library

Advanced analytics are always at the beginning of uncovering of any new opportunity. Once you have enough data, you can visualize them in understandable and customized way through a library of various chart types.

This library helps you to develop various charts without having to know the robust Highcharts API. The library consists of object-like pieces that can be used to create a working Highchart portlet.

This accelerator provides implementation basis for creation of new charts within your dashboards etc. The key audience of this library are thus users responsible for IT implementation and configuration.

Available Chart Types

  • Scatter

  • Column

  • Column Stacking

  • Heatmap

  • Boxplot

  • Bubble

  • Pie (also available with gradient version)

  • Bar

  • Line

  • Maps

    • North America

    • Europe

    • Asia

    • Oceania

    • Africa

    • World Continents

Along with the library a dashboard with examples is included (currently it is configurable only via the logic).

Chart Examples

  • Scatter


  • Column


  • Column stacking


  • Heatmap


  • Boxplot


  • Bubble


  • Pie



  • Bar

  • Line
