Create New Calculation Engine Implementation

First, we need to create a Groovy library to have a basic function returning something to confirm that the new strategy works at all, before we properly define the Calculation Engine.

  1. Create a new Groovy Library logicˇ.

    • We will use "TrainingCalculationEngineLib" name in this guide, but it can be any library logic.

    • Set Valid After to a date in the past (e.g. beginning of the year).

    • Set Status to Active.

  2. Add a new Groovy element "TrainingEngine" (or any other) with the calculatePrice() method and very simple implementation.

    BigDecimal calculatePrice() { return [result: 5.0, message: "OK"] }

    For now, it has no parameters (we will discuss parameters later) and it will simply return a price of 5.0 as a result.



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