Sales Insights Package 1.7.0


PFPCS-5665 Error when opening dashboards

PFPCS-5662 Comparison Waterfall: Incorrect tooltip

PFPCS-5659 SI deployment: Customer Id and Customer Name are still visible while user skips Customer in the previous step

PFPCS-5655 Comparison Waterfall: Incorrect delta when values are too small

PFPCS-5653 Comparison Waterfall: Delta is shown if Waterfall Model is Percentage

PFPCS-5650 Comparison Waterfall: Incorrect delta when Waterfall Model is By Absolute Unit

PFPCS-5649 Causality Dashboard: incorrect last bar position

PFPCS-5648 Margin Breakdown: incorrect last bar position

PFPCS-5647 Revenue Breakdown: incorrect last bar position

PFPCS-5643 Comparison Waterfall: the delta is displayed on "one period" view

PFPCS-5640 Comparison Waterfall: Improper value is displayed for delta

PFPCS-5639 Comparison Waterfall: Legend name in drill down is displayed improperly

PFPCS-5638 Comparison Waterfall: error thrown when the first period is null data

PFPCS-5635 Comparison Waterfall: Missing subtract 1 from variation formula

PFPCS-5631 Outliers: Values are not displayed correctly in Data tab

PFPCS-5630 Causality: Duplicate revenue/margin value in T1 if we have the same time period inputs

PFPCS-5627 Causality: Missing New/Lost Business column

PFPCS-5622 Breakdowns and Causality: The format DD/MM/YYYY is not same with time inputs

PFPCS-5621 Breakdown and Causality: Missing last column value in Data tab

PFPCS-5620 Breakdown and Causality dashboard: Hide PeriodConfigurator in Add Portlet

PFPCS-5619 Missing Comparison label for Week input when Period Type is Week

PFPCS-5609 Revenue/Margin Breakdowns, Causality Dashboards: Handle the null values for time-definition filters

PFPCS-5559 MixpanelTracking [via MixpanelTrackingUtils] : ERROR(@9): Cannot invoke method track() on null object

PFPCS-5547 Breakdown and Causality: null is being displayed in the chart

PFPCS-5540 Remove PP SIP_DefaultFilterValues

PFPCS-5539 Currency conversion works improperly in SI dashboards

PFPCS-5538 Margin Breakdown: Remove Standard from chart title

PFPCS-5537 Duplicate GBP in Currency input

PFPCS-5524 Error thrown when opening SIP Default Filter Wizard

PFPCS-5459 Deselecting Outliers Dashboard doesn't filter out all necessary logics


PFPCS-5383 Remove the Default Filters functionality duplicity

PFPCS-5182 Revenue/Margin Breakdown - unify the waterfall elements names

PFPCS-5167 Month-to-Month comparison in Revenue/Margin Breakdown and Causality charts

PFPCS-5156 Cover all the countries in the Highcharts map

PFPCS-4502 Introduce stepLabel for deployment steps

New Features

PFPCS-4350 Ability to download data behind charts


PFPCS-5548 Revenue and Margin Breakdown, Causality: additional time definition options

PFPCS-5445 Two approaches for Revenue and Margin Breakdowns definitions

PFPCS-5444 Margin Breakdown - new formulas

PFPCS-5181 Revenue Breakdown - new formulas

PFPCS-5119 Adding variation in Comparison waterfall

PFPCS-4417 Mixpanel tracking for SIP- dashboard was opened


PFPCS-5607 Hide warnings for all the portlets

PFPCS-5446 Margin Breakdown: only one Calculation Type available

PFPCS-5440 Revenue and Margin dashboard - increase the timeout

PFPCS-4152 Cleanup PFXTemplate_DB_RevenueAndMargin PP definition

PFPCS-3668 Exclude deployment of WaterfallConfiguration AC

PFPCS-3249 Move ChartConfiguration element to ConstConfig in Revenue and Margin dashboard