Architecture Components (Sales Insights)

The Sales Insights Accelerator includes Sales Insights Dashboards, so all of their components are included here as well. For deails see the architecture of Sales Insights Dashboards accelerator.

Advanced Configuration Properties

  • SIP_AdvancedConfiguration – Configured by user during installation process.

  • WaterfallConfiguration – Configured by user during installation process.

Company Parameters

  • PFXTemplate_DB_RevenueAndMargin

  • OutliersContributionModelThresholds

  • SIP_Population (data uploaded automatically during installation)

  • SIP_MapHierarchyConfig

  • SIP_MapCodeOverrides

  • SIP_GeoOverrides

For details see , and .

Product/Customer Master Configuration

During installation the administrator supplies the data and mapping to be uploaded.

Data Source

  • Product/Customer – During installation:

    1. Fields definitions will be synced with the newly created fields of the master table Products/Customers.

    2. All string columns will be set as Dimension.

    3. Data will be loaded from the master table Products/Customers.

  • TXStandardData – Created during the installation process.

  • ccy – Created during the installation process.

  • uom – Created during the installation process.

  • cal – Created during the installation process.


  • Standard_Sales_Data – Created during the installation process.


This accelerator depends on the following accelerators which will be deployed during the installation too:

  • Shared Library

  • Dashboards Library