Model Evaluation Configurator Logic

This logic defines a page content of a tab with the type configurator which provides the user with a tab with many input fields whose values typically depend on each other. So this logic builds the Configurator form with dynamic input fields.

This logic is almost identical to – the only difference is that it also gets the binding variable model – so we will describe here just the specifics of this evaluation configurator logic.

Logic API

  • Logic Nature: model_evaluation

  • Execution Types:

    • Standard – Builds the input fields based on the model’s current tab inputs, previous steps inputs and previous calculations outputs.

  • Information provided to the logic:

    • Standard:

      • model (see ) – Includes Model table, inputs from previous steps and outputs from previous calculations.

      • input – Values of all inputs from the current tab, provided by the user.

  • Expected logic execution outcome:

    • Form’s sections and input fields – provided via the output of visible element logic.

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