If you encounter issues while working with the IDEA plugin, please report them to support@pricefx.eu. If possible, attach the IDEA log file to the message. The log file is located at Help > Show Log in Files/Explorer/Finder; idea.log is the current log file.
Why Auto-completion Is Not Working?
Check out the following:
- Did you mark the folder with the logics as a Source folder in Module Settings?
- Did you add the Pricefx Framework support?
- Navigate to the External Libraries > Pricefx API > logic-debug-xxxx-xx-xx.jar > PFXIdeaPublicGroovyAPI.gdsl. If the auto-completion had probably crashed, then you have to reactivate it by clicking 'Activate back'.
- After doing "Activate Back", don't forget to purge the IntelliJ cache: File > Invalidate Caches / Restart > Invalidate and Restart.
- This should force IntelliJ to rebuild caches for the API documentation.
- For cases when auto-completion does not work for referring elements either within the same logic or in libs and lib: if you use two elements of the same name in the project, IDEA does not know which Class should be evaluated. Avoid having elements of the same name, so e.g. add a suffix "Utils" to the names of the Groovy library elements.
Cannot Fetch Due to "Error: Empty Key"
If you see "Error: Empty Key" in the fetch panel, then your config.groovy was created in a wrong way in the past. Just replace the part representing the two-factor authentication key in config.json – replace '' (empty String) with null. It is the last field of the array of connection details.