Here you can find all the information that is needed for preparing for the Pricefx Certification for Project Managers. This page provides important Certified Project Manager (CPM) Exam instructions and guidelines. Please review the entire page before proceeding to exam registration.
You must be alone in a distraction-free room.
Your working table must be completely free.
If you need to do a bathroom break, let the proctor know.
Please make sure that you have water and any other supplements you may need during the exam before the exam starts.
The use of a phone during the exam is strictly prohibited and will lead to exam disqualification. Make sure that your phone is in a “do-not-disturb” mode.
Be sure that the room is bright and that you have proper lighting in the hour before sunset.
The recording of the video conference must run throughout the entire Exam (note: if for any reason the video conferencing recording is paused or stopped, the Exam will be disqualified and will need to be rescheduled).
The computer screen share must run throughout the entire Exam (note: if for any reason computer screen share drops, the Exam will be disqualified and will need to be rescheduled).
Your internet connection must be reliable and specifically the Upload speed at least 1.8 Mbps. You can verify your speed using , check against Prague and Chicago.
If your internet connection drops/disconnects, you must terminate the exam and contact the Proctor to reschedule.
Once you finish the exam, you can leave the Teams meeting by notifying the proctor.
How to schedule an exam
Book your PM Certification slot here:
You should obtain the confirmation e-mail after making your booking. Should you experience issues or encounter other difficulties, contact your partner manager from our Partner Advisory Services.