Here you can find all the information that is needed for preparing for the Pricefx Certification for Project Managers. This page provides important Certified Project Manager (CPM) Exam instructions and guidelines. Please review the entire page before proceeding to exam registration.
The Project Manager Certification Exam is the final step in becoming a Pricefx Certified Project Manager. Before the exam, all candidates should perform the following steps:
Make sure you can access our Sana LMS. To carry out the Partner’s PM Certification Learning Path successfully, it is crucial to have SANA whitelisted by your organization's network. This action is necessary to prevent any interruptions or accessibility issues that might arise due to our firewall settings. Please reach out to your IT department as soon as possible to confirm that Sana LMS is approved for use on our network. Not ensuring the following will lead to the inability to follow the training and may result in the student’s removal from sessions and the imposition of late cancellation fees due to these avoidable disruptions.
Follow the following learning path in the Pricefx Learning Hub: Project Management CertificationSana LMS: Partner’s PM Certification Learning Path. In case you don’t have access to the platform, please contact your partner manager. This learning path points to different other courses in the learning platform, that all need to be completed. Here you find:
Pricefx Project Methodology
Pricing Knowledge , is presented as a separate link to a separate course that needs to be followed
Product Knowledge - here you find a reference to the other training modules to be followed.
Review the sample exam (10 questions) in Pricefx Learning Hub, to get used to the system and the way the questions are asked. The demo exam is only there to show you the mechanics of the exam questions; the questions are not a representation of the content or difficulty of the real exam.