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Here you can find all information that is needed for preparing for the Pricefx Certification for Project Managers. This page provides important Certified Project Manager Exam instructions and guidelines. Please review the entire page before proceeding to exam registration.

What is the Certified Project Manager (CPM) Exam?

The CPM Exam consists of 31 different types test questions (e.g. multiple choice, ordering, drag-and-drop, business case open questions). All questions are based on the mandatory study content of Exam Prerequisites that you will find below.


  1. To verify sufficient understanding and knowledge of key pricing concepts.

  2. To verify sufficient knowledge of the product and the modules.

  3. To verify sufficient knowledge of the product implementation and team methodology.

CPM Exam Format

The exam is taking place in the Pricefx Learning Hub. The CPM candidate will have access to the sample exam prior to the exam.


Total exam duration: 2 hours

Exam Prerequisites

The Project Manager Certification Exam is the final step in becoming a Pricefx Certified Project Manager.  Before the exam all candidates should perform the following steps:


  • Knowledge base: this has a lot of nice content around pricing and our software

  • LMS: there are other paid and free training sessions available. Please contact your partner manager to get access to these.

CPM Exam Evaluation

The final result of the exam: passed/not passed


The exam results should be available within 3 business days after the exam date. The proctor will send an email with the results to the Partner Manager of the candidate. If the exam has been successfully passed, then the Pricefx Certificate will be issued.

Materials allowed to use during the exam

As the exam is fully based on the materials that you have to study prior to the exam, no additional or supplementary materials are allowed during the exam.

CPM Exam Administration 

The CPM Exam is administered as a recorded Teams meeting.


  • Check your setup 

  • Turn on the video recording (the recording must stay on for the entire duration of the exam) 

  • Prompt you to present your Photo ID  

  • Check that you are logged in to the Pricefx Learning Hub

  • Provide you an access to your individual exam

  • Check that you are able to log in to your Pricefx Partition

Rules during the Exam

Violation of any of these rules can result in Exam disqualification and the need to reschedule the Exam.  Unforeseen events may also result in Exam disqualification. 

  • You must be alone in a room that is distraction-free. 

  • Your working table must be completely free.

  • If you need to do a bathroom break, let the proctor know.

  • Please make sure that you have water and any other supplements you may need during the exam before exam start.

  • The use of a phone during the exam is strictly prohibited and will lead to exam disqualification. Make sure that your phone is on a “do-not-disturb” mode.

  • Be sure that the room is bright and that you have proper lightening in the hour before sunset. 

  • You must set the audio of your smartphone at maximum volume and the microphone must be enabled throughout the entire Exam. 

  • The recording of the video conference must run throughout the entire Exam (note: if for any reason the video conferencing recording is paused or stopped, the Exam will be disqualified and will need to be rescheduled). 

  • The side-view video & computer screen share must run throughout the entire Exam (note: if for any reason the side-view or computer screen share drops, the Exam will be disqualified and will need to be rescheduled). 

  • Your internet connection must be reliable and specifically the Upload speed at least 1.8 Mbps. You can verify your speed using , check against Prague and Chicago. 

  • If your internet connection drops/disconnects, you must terminate the exam and contact the Proctor to reschedule. 

  • Once you finished the exam, you can leave the Teams meeting by notifying the proctor.

How to schedule and exam

Contact your partner manager to schedule an exam. As there needs to be a proctor on the Pricefx side available, we plan exams preferably 3-6 weeks in advance. Due to a limited number of proctors the lead time can be longer during periods of high demand.