Installation Prerequisites (Common for Accelerators)

Installation Prerequisites (Common for Accelerators)

To successfully install an accelerator, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Access to Pricefx PlatformManager at https://platform.pricefx.com/

    • This is needed because accelerators are installed from the PlatformManager Marketplace.

    • You need credentials (username and password) for the PlatformManager user. If you do not have an account yet, contact Pricefx Support.

    • This user must have the following permissions for the partition to which you plan to deploy the accelerator:

      • Marketplace Templates - deploy permission

  • Access to the partition

    • This is needed for:

      • Installation – For new projects this is handled by PlatformManager (using so called technical account created by PlatformManager) and you do not have to define a user account to connect to the partition.
        However, older projects may rely on having a user account which is entitled to connect to a partition – and this has to be defined in PlatformManager (in Partition Access Entitlement).

      • Reviews/checks of the partition after the installation.

      • Initial setup/configuration of the accelerator on the partition.

    • For the partition you will need:

      • Server URL

      • Partition name

      • Username and password for a user with sufficient rights to configure the accelerator

      • License on the partition which covers the modules used by the accelerator

If you are experiencing issues with deployment caused by missing entitlements, check if your user has proper rights.


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