Account Partitions

Account Partitions

In this section you can see a list of partitions for the selected customer account coming from Salesfx.


You have the following options (provided you have the corresponding permissions):

  • Show detail in a panel on the right, as shown in the screenshot.

  • Edit selected attributes of the partition (partition label, module licenses, and number of admin licenses).

  • Clone / Move / Copy a partition. 

    • All of these operations are currently handled by Pricefx Support.

    • It is possible to clone/move/copy to the same instance or a different one. Only compatible instances (using the same version, same database type, etc.) are listed.

  • Delete a partition completely (if the partition is non-production, is in Created status and you have the corresponding permission whose assignment is subject to approval workflow). 
    If you cannot delete a partition directly (e.g. production one), there is a helpdesk ticket created instead. A link to this Delete partition request ticket is shown in the partition detail section. The partition is eventually deleted by Pricefx Support.
    someone who has assigned the right provisioning.partition and the partition has the status Created and partitionType is not Non-Production

  • Partition Access Entitlement – Allows you to define which user is entitled to connect to the given Pricefx partition. There are two options: 

    • Use an existing user assigned to this account.

      • This user needs to have all necessary user roles assigned at the Pricefx partition. If some of the rights are missing, they are listed there. 

      • You need to know this user's full credentials. 

      • If no such user is defined, the second option Technical User Account is automatically used.

    • Have the user created and managed by PlatformManager (so called Technical User Account which can only use REST API, but cannot log in via UI). 
      Note: Technical User Account can be managed only in PlatformManager; at the partition it can only be deleted by a partition admin (but not modified). The delete option allows the partition admins to clean up the user base (e.g. after access from PlatformManager was disabled).

  • Remote login as pricefx-support – If you are member of Support, you can log to the Pricefx partition from here. 

  • Remote login as root – If you are entitled, you can log in as root to the Pricefx partition from here.

  • Create General Admin – Allows you to make yourself the general admin for the given partition. If needed, you can set an expiry date for this role assignment.
    To be able to use this option, you need the Partition – Edit permission.

  • Create Support User – Creates a user at the Pricefx partition with the Investigate for support role. This user account has to have an expiration date defined. 

  • Request Eng-support User – Visible only to members of the “PFX_Product_Engineering” group (id: 43a6fa76-d4c4-48c3-881e-d05ee3295b52). Allows them to ask for access to a partition. The option is available only if there is no Eng-support user created yet for the user. The request goes through an approval workflow and once it is approved, the user is notified by email. To access the partition, use then the option Remote login as Eng-support user (see below).

  • Remote login as Eng-support user – Visible only if there is an Eng-support user created for the user (see the option above). Allows the user to connect to a partition remotely. The user is assigned either the All Roles business role, or, if it was not present at the partition, the General admin user role.

  • Version History – Shows a table with used Pricefx versions and dates of upgrade. (Versions are stored since May 2024, no historical data is provided.) It is available only to users with the account permission Partition – edit.


In addition, there are buttons at top right:

  • Create Partition – Allows you to create a new Pricefx partition. For details see How to Create Partition (available also as a video).

  • Export CSV – Allows you to download the list of partitions in the CSV format.

Partition Details

Once you select a specific partition in the drop-down menu on the left or by clicking its name in the list, you can view more detailed information.


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