

This article provides a list of downloadable resources and documents to help with the testing phase of software development. It includes resources such as UAT preparation checklists, sample test cases, upgrade testing checklists, and templates for test plans and QA activities estimations. There are also specific resources for Cypress setup and various login templates for different scenarios.

Find here documents and files to help you navigate the testing phase easier.

File name

Downloadable resource

File name

Downloadable resource

BBST Foundations


UAT preparation checklist

End-to-end UAT sample test cases


Upgrade testing checklist


QA activities estimations


QA Analyst Role - customer intro


How to set up Cypress for your projects


Test plan template


QA Samples and Templates


UAT E2ETest cases sample


Lighting Projects


X-Ray instructions


Cypress Json


Commands json


Users json


LoginFE Template

LoginAPI Template






LoginAPi-LPG dynamic






LoginAPI- Dashboards




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