Upgrade to Latest Version (Strategy Designer)

Currently, the only way to upgrade your existing Strategy Designer configuration is to manually update the url parameter in the Advanced Configuration Options.

  1. Find the number of the latest release of the Strategy Designer. You can find it at the home page of this guide.

  2. Go to Configuration > Advanced Configuration Options.

  3. Open the entry with your Strategy Designer configuration. It starts with pfxExternalApp_, e.g. pfxExternalApp_visual_configuration_strategy_designer.

  4. Update the url parameter to point to the new version:
    Strategy Designer is deployed at https://apps.pricefx.com/visual-configuration/{VERSION}/#/strategy-designer where {VERSION} is the released version’s number with dashes instead of dots.
    For example, version 1.0.1 is at URL https://apps.pricefx.com/visual-configuration/1-0-1/#/strategy-designer.

  5. Save the entry.

  6. Refresh your browser.

  7. Open Strategy Designer again from the External Applications in the main menu.