Include Additional PSP Parameters (Strategy Designer)

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In case your custom price list logic uses some additional parameters (typically configured for ), you can add them as blocks using the additionalParameters option.

The additionalParameters parameter is an object where each key is the PSP’s identifier of the parameter and the value is an object with a label and a type. The label will become the text displayed on the corresponding block in the toolbox and the type will become the return type of that block. Supported types are Number, Boolean, and Text.

Say we have two additional parameters called ‘RRP’ which is a number, and ‘IS_OUT_OF_STOCK’ which is a boolean value (true or false). This is how you would make them available in the Strategy Designer’s toolbox:

"configuration": { "additionalParameters": { "RRP": { "label": "RRP", "type": "Number" }, "IS_OUT_OF_STOCK": { "label": "Is out of stock?", "type": "Boolean" } } }

Each key in the additionalParameters object has to be unique. Make sure there are no syntax errors in the JSON object.

The parameters will be available in the toolbox under the Parameters category: