This is the documentation for Clover Club 12.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Rampur 13.0 can be found here.
Configure SAML SSO in Pricefx
Take the following steps:
In Salesforce, go to Setup > Identity > Identity Provider and click Download Certificate to get the public certificate of the Identity Provider.
In Pricefx, go to Configuration > External Systems > SAML Configuration and create a new configuration.
Make the following settings:
Select email in NameID Mapping.
Enter the URL of the SAML SSO page of the Identity Provider. Identity Provider login URL can be checked at Setup > Settings > Identity > Single Sign-On Settings if SSO is enabled.
Paste the previously downloaded public certificate into the IdP Certificate field. Use the following commands to convert the certificate file from .crt to .pem format.
openssl x509 -in SelfSignedCert_13Jul2017.crt -outform PEM -out o.pem cat o.pem
type SelfSignedCert_13Jul2017.crt
Add a new relay state:
Set relayStateName to "quoteConfigurator".
Set relayStateURL to where the canvas app is located. The pattern will be as follows: https://<cluster domain name>/app/?partition=<partition name>&applicationEnvironment=salesforce&confName=<config name>
Click Save.