This is the documentation for Clover Club 12.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Rampur 13.0 can be found here.

Custom Forms General Settings

There are the following settings for Custom Forms:

  • Create Custom Form Option – On creating a new Custom Form:

    • Do nothing – If checked, the new Custom Form is not saved when it is created but the header logic is run in the pre-phase. No logic is executed when creating duplicates or revisions.

    • Fully calculate new Custom Form immediately – If checked, the Custom Form’s header logic is executed in the pre-phase and post-phase immediately after the Custom Form is created.

    • Save and calculate pre-phase for new Custom Form immediately – If checked, the new Custom Form is saved immediately after creation and the header logic is executed only in the pre-phase. It is useful if you need to work with the Custom Form's typedId in the header logic.

    • Save and fully calculate new Custom Form immediately – If checked, the new Custom Form is saved immediately after creation and the header logic is executed in the pre-phase and post-phase.