This is the documentation for Clover Club 12.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Rampur 13.0 can be found here.


In the Customers section you can define and maintain customer attributes. Attributes are information in a one-to-one relationship (e.g., customer hierarchy or customer classification). The attributes can be used in price calculations or just as additional information (e.g., in customer price lists or if the user picks a customer).

By clicking the CustomerID, you can open the Customer Detail View.

Customer Hierarchy

You can organize the list of customers into hierarchical logical groups. See the Folder Tree section for details.

Editing Options

The available options are:

  • Add Customer.

  • Delete a customer.

  • Edit a customer.

  • Duplicate a customer.

  • Mass edit all, filtered or selected fields. Select the Attribute (column), the Change (operator) and the Value which will be applied.

  • Mass delete all, filtered or selected customers.

  • Export the list of customers into an Excel file. For lists containing a large amount of data, asynchronous download to Excel is available.

  • Advanced filter to narrow down the list of customers (for details see Filtering).