Generic Logic
The generic calculation logic is typically used to calculate a specific price for a product in Price Lists and Quotes and to calculate Simulations. It is also used for Claims or for Agreements/Promotions and Rebate Agreements if there is no specific logic defined, for filtering, mass updates and in other areas.
The calculation logic drives the following:
How the results are calculated.
Which fields are displayed here ('Display Mode' for each element).
In which format the data is displayed (Percent, Money, Matrix etc.).
Which output values can be overridden here (the element is marked as 'Allow Override' in the calculation logic).
How the results are formatted, whether they are grouped, what suffix is used for output value, whether warnings are displayed or not, whether empty values are shown or not.
Whether output values are summarized by products.
Red/yellow warning dots next to the Label (defined in the Alerts section in the Calculation Logic editor).
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Pricefx version 14.0