How to Configure Agreements & Promotions

This example shows how to implement a basic project in the Agreements & Promotions module. We will create a promotional campaign, in which we want to offer to restaurants a volume discount on lamb meat and a net fixed price for all lamb meatballs.

To build a new project in Agreements & Promotions, we will take the following steps:

  1. Create an Agreements & Promotions calculation logic for each of the two line items in the Promotion.

  2. Create a Condition Type for each of the calculation logics.

  3. Set up Price Records – map contract attributes to Price Record fields.

  4. Create a calculation logic for accessing the Price Records.

  5. Typically, you will also to set up an approval workflow logic in Workflow Logics (of Agreement & Promotion type).

Create Agreements & Promotions Calculation Logics

We will create two contract calculation logics that define user inputs and pass the entered values on to Price Records. To start, go to Administration > Logics > Agreements & Promotions and click Add logic.

Volume Discount Calculation Logic

The volume discount logic will include the following elements:

  • User input field for selecting a customer group.

  • User input field for selecting a product group.

  • Condition Type – returns the reference to the Condition Type of the line.

  • User input field for selecting the start and end date of the campaign (if you want to give the user the option to modify the dates inherited from the document level).

  • A multi-tier user input field for entering the volume discount ranges.

Element Name


Formula Expression

Element Name


Formula Expression


Customer Group



Product Group



Condition Type

def nameFilter = Filter.equal("uniqueName", api.currentItem()?.contractTermType)
def ctt = api.find("CTT", nameFilter)
return ctt?.getAt(0)


Valid From

def dateString = api.dateUserEntry("ValidFrom")

def date = api.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd",dateString)

api.currentItem()?.startDate = date //we need to set the override here to be copied to the Price Record
return date


Valid To

def dateString = api.dateUserEntry("ValidTo")

def date = api.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd", dateString)
api.currentItem()?.endDate = date //we need to set the override here to be copied to Price Record
return date


Volume Discount

def volumeDiscountEntry = api.multiTierEntry("VolumeDiscount", "Qty", "%")

return volumeDiscountEntry?.asMap()

Net Price Calculation Logic

The net price logic will include the following elements:

  • User input field for selecting a customer group.

  • User input field for selecting a product group.

  • Condition Type – returns the reference to the Condition Type of the line.

  • User input field for selecting the start and end date of the campaign (if you want to give the user the option to modify the dates inherited from the document level).

  • User input field for the net price value.

Element Name


Formula Expression

Element Name


Formula Expression


Customer Group



Product Group



Condition Type

def nameFilter = Filter.equal("uniqueName", api.currentItem()?.contractTermType)
def ctt = api.find("CTT", nameFilter)
return ctt?.getAt(0)


Valid From

def dateString = api.dateUserEntry("ValidFrom")

def date = api.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd",dateString)

api.currentItem()?.startDate = date //we need to set the override here to be copied to the Price Record
return date


Valid To

def dateString = api.dateUserEntry("ValidTo")

def date = api.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd", dateString)
api.currentItem()?.endDate = date //we need to set the override here to be copied to Price Record
return date


Net Price

return api.userEntry("Net Price")?:0

In the Agreements & Promotions header logic you can define a custom header. See for details.

Create Condition Types

A Condition Type represents an item in the promotional offer. We will create two Condition Types, one for the volume discount and one for the net price promotion. We will assign the previously created calculation logics to them.

  1. Go to Agreements & Promotions > Condition Types.

  2. Click Add Condition Type and enter the name and label.

  3. Select the corresponding pricing logic.

  4. (Optional) Define the value of the Waterfall Element and other attributes.
    In the Waterfall Element, you can indicate which field (of the Quote or Datamart) is influenced by this contract condition. This can be used, for example, when the Quote Line searches for the appropriate Price Record (which was generated from the Condition Type).

Set Up Price Records

Price Records are created automatically from the Promotion lines but you can influence the content of the resulting fields. In our case most of the things go automatically, we only need an additional "VolumeDiscount" element.


Destination Price Record

Field Name

Field Label







Logic element named "VolumeDiscount"



For more details see Price Records Generation from Agreement/Promotion.

Create Logic to Access the Price Records

This example shows how to find an appropriate Price Record on the Quote Line Item.

def productFilter = api.productToRelatedObjectsFilter("PR", api.product("sku")) def customerFilter = api.customerToRelatedObjectsFilter("PR", api.customer("customerId")) def dateFromFilter = Filter.lessOrEqual("validAfter",api.targetDate()) def dateToFilter = Filter.greaterOrEqual("expiryDate",api.targetDate()) def prs = api.find("PR", productFilter, customerFilter, dateFromFilter, dateToFilter) for (pr in prs) { //........... }

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