Rebate Record Group (RRG)

Rebate Record Group (RRG)

Since version 12.0

This object provides ability to group many Rebate Records together and then calculate aggregations overview for them and create a workflow for the group and then approve all the records in the group at once.

New Rebate Record Group is created in a rebate line logic.

Rebate Records are assigned to the Rebate Record Groups also in the rebate line logic. If it’s not assigned, it will not belong to any group.

The Rebate Record Group can:

  • Be calculated, to provides an aggregated summary for the associated Rebate Records.

  • Have approval workflow and be approved.

The Rebate Record Groups are presented to the user on page Rebates  Rebate Records  Show Rebate Record Groups. When the user clicks on object’s ID in the list, the UI will display a detail page. On this page, the user can view both the calculation results and the content of the object’s fields. They can also perform the operations like Calculate and View Workflow.


uniqueName – Unique identifier, generated by system upon creation. The name consist of a prefix and numerical ID of the object. The prefix can be defined in the application property rebateRecordGroupPrefix, otherwise it will be "RRG-".

sourceId – Unique name of the rebate agreement it belongs to.

name – Name of the group, provided by the Rebate Calculation Logic, when it assigns a rebate record to the group. Warning: If you plan to use different Rebate Record Group logics across different Conditions Types (and thus Rebate Line Items), then ensure you do not use the same group names for different rebate line items, otherwise the system will have more options, which Rebate Record Group Logic to use, and it will cause an error.

label – Label/description of the group. By default set by the system to the same value as in field name.

statusRebate Record Group Status. Represents the current lifecycle status of the Rebate Record Group.

attribute1..100 – Fields for storage of values. The values are calculated and stored here by the Rebate Record Group Logic.

attributeExtension – Additional attributes fields, which can be used in similar was as attribute1..100 fields. See Attribute Extension fields.

inputs – All input fields definitions and values. Populated by Rebate Record Group Logic when executed in the Input Generation execution.

formulaName – Name of the Rebate Record Group Logic. This logic is used to perform calculation of the Rebate Record Group object.

workflowStatus – (WorkflowStatus)

approvalState – (ApprovalState)

calculationResults – (Map) All calculation results returned from the Rebate Record Group Logic elements.

Code Sample

Creation of the Rebate Record Group in the Rebate Calculation Logic, in the "Agreement" Calculation Context. The method setGroup() does both - create and assign the group.
rebateRecords.add("rr123", ["startDate": "2021-09-01", "endDate":"2021-09-29", "attribute1": 30, "attribute2":60]) rebateRecords.setGroup("rr123", "REBATE_RECORD_GROUP_XYZ")

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