Automated Deployment Using Pipelines

Continuous Integration or Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) are common and widely used practices in software development.

Why to Use It

Git should be the source of truth for any code deployed to QA, UAT, and PROD partitions.

When deploying a configuration and doing a QA release (from DEV) or a PROD release (from QA), it is a strongly recommended best practice to use the GitLab pipelines (or alternatively any other CI/CD tool) prior to manual deployment from Pricefx Studio. This will reduce potential sources of errors significantly.

By enabling the automated deployment it also will be ensured that the repository matches the partition 1:1. This is especially useful to avoid situations where a hotfix gets manually deployed to PROD and is never streamlined back to DEV, causing code loss and regression issues after new rollouts.

The pipelines can also be used to run unit tests (TDD4C) and code quality tools (Sonar).

How it Works

When a commit is made to QA or PROD branch (or potentially to any additional environement), the pipeline is triggered. The pipeline executes a pfxpackage command line tool that reads all the Pricefx objects in the repository and deploys them to the target partition. If the object does not exist in the target partition, it gets created and if it already exists, it gets updated. A special account (typically named “pfx.deploy”) should be created on the partition with the access of a Configuration Engineer.

The automated deployment to the DEV environment typically does not make sense because each commit would most probably overwrite the configuration work in progress.

Packaging Tool deploys the objects in a smart way, that means it compares the object with the one from the partition and deploys it only if there is a change. The objects that were not changed and therefore are out the scope are listed in the log as “skipping”.

What is Part of Scope

  • Deployment to QA and PROD partitions (potentially additional ones).

  • Creation of logics, tables, and other objects that you see in Studio can be deployed using pipelines.

What is Out of Scope (To Be Deployed Manually)

How to setup

Create a user account for auto-deployment

The user account for the automated deployment with the relevant access rights needs to be created in the partition. The recommendation is to create an account named “pfx.deploy” and assign the “Configuration Engineer” role to it, the steps to do it are described below.

The configuration engineer role is part of the “Initial Security Setup” reusable component that can be downloaded directly from the PfxComponents tool window in Studio. It contains other frequently used business roles too and it is recommended to use them as a starting point for your project.

If the Configuration Engineer role is not deployed to your partition yet, then follow these steps in Studio:

  1. Navigate to the PfxComponents tool window

  2. Select “Initial Security Setup” component

  3. Hit “Import” to download the component to the folder .PfxComponents/initial-security-setup

In Studio:

  1. Navigate to Security > Business roles in Deploy tool window

  2. Select the “initial-security-setup” in the module/component picker.

  3. Select the target partition

  4. Select the “Configuration Engineer” role

  5. Click Deploy

In the target partition:

  1. Open to Administration > Access Admin > User Admin.

  2. Add a new user named “pfx.deploy” and set some strong password.

  3. Assign the “Configuration Engineer” business role to this user.

Now you can use this user account in your pipeline setup.

Set up the pipelines as per your GIT service

In Studio:

  1. Right click on the project root > Pricefx > CI Deployment and select the desired GIT service:

    • Create ‘.gitlab-ci.yml’ for Gitlab, or

    • Create ‘.github-ci.yml’ for Github, or

    • Create ‘.bitbucket-pipelines.yml’ for BitBucket, or

    • Create ‘.azure-pipelines.yml’ for Microsoft Azure Devops

  2. In the dialog, select the branch for each environment and partition which you want to automaticaly deploy.

  3. Click Create 'xxx' file

Once you commit the created file to GIT, it will be picked up.

Important Information and Limitations

Primary Key Fields Changes

If there is a change in the key field structure during the release, the data gets truncated. So you should potentially back up the data first, adjust and then import. Or alternatively modify the table, but create another one using a different name.

User Groups after GO LIVE

During development, the initial configuration of user groups is designed by a Configuration Engineer. After GO LIVE the security setup is owned and maintained by the customer. So it has to be ensured that the security adjusted by the customer in the partition is not overwritten by the old user groups from Git. There is a switch “keepUserGroups” in Packaging Tool that does that.

Shifting Attributes

When shifting an attribute, e.g. “Country” from e.g. attribute5 to attribute1 (P, PP, PX, C, CX, S, SX), the deployment will fail because there is a unique check on the Label and in certain moment there would be two attribute fields attribute5 and attribute1 with the same Label (“Country”) and that is not allowed. The solution for CP tables is to inactivate the previous version. Now for P,PX,C,CX tables you can delete all attributes' meta-data and deploy from Studio to first generate a clean state and then run the pipeline.

Running Dataload Locks DS or DM Deployment

When a Data Source (DS) or Datamart (DM) schema change is being deployed and at the same time some dataload locked the DS or DM, the deployment of the schema will fail with an unknown error.

Schema Change Between Pricefx Releases

If there is a new Pricefx major release, there is a big probability that there was a field added in some object. Such a field existing on the partition is recognized as a change by Packaging Tool and therefore is deployed every time. This also pollutes the pipeline log with a lot of warning messages. So it is recommended to fetch from the target partition to Git to have the new fields in Git as well. This will help run the pipeline faster and make the log human readable again.


General Error

General error means that backend has crashed. Check the server log to find out why.

Not Authorized for Command

In case you get an error message “Not authorized for command”, make sure your deploy user account has the required user roles to manage/administer the given object.

Follow the “Create a user account for auto-deployment” section above to use the Configuration engineer business role.

Here is the list of permissions required for every entity.

Note that General Admin contains various permissions like Configuration Wizards and Message Templates.


User Role


User Role

Action Items

Administer Actions

Advanced Configuration

General Admin (without User Management)

Agreement & Promotion Attr

Agreement & Promotion Types

Agreement & Promotion Type Attr

Condition Types

Condition Type Attr

Administer A&P module

Business Roles

Administer Users

Calculated Fieldsets

Manage Calculated Field Sets

Calculation Flows

General Admin (without User Management)

Calculation Logics

Manage Calculation Logics

Manage Analytics Calculation Logics

Manage Custom Form Calculation Logics

Manage A&P Calculation Logics

Manage Rebate Calculation Logics

Manage Actions Calculation Logics

Manage Sales Compensation Calculation Logics

Claim Type

Manage Claims

Company Parameters

Administer Company Parameters

Manage Company Parameters Tree

Compen Accrual Record

Compen Record Attr

Administer Compensation Records

Compen Attr

Compen Calculation

Compen Cond Type Attr

Compen Cond Type

Compen Header Type Attr

Compen Header Type

Administer Compensation Plans

Configuration Wizards

General Admin (without User Management)

Customer Attr

Customer Extension Attr

Administer Customers

Custom Form

Custom Form Type

Custom Form Type Attr

Administer Custom Form

Custom Form Module Category

Manage Model in Module Category


Export Dashboards

Data Change Req Types

Manage Data Change Requests

Data Loads

Manage Data Manager


Data Sources

Administer Schemas

Event Orchestration

Partition Events/Jobs - in Platform Manager!

Live Price Grid

Administer LPG

Manual Pricelists

Administer Price Lists

Message Templates

General Admin (without User Management)

Model Classes

Administer Model Classes/Objects

Module Categories

Manage Model in Module Category


Edit Global Preferences

Price List/Grid Type

Manage Price List and LPG Types

Price Record Attr

Administer Price Records

Product Attr

Product Competition

Product Extension Attr

Administer Products

Publishing Templates

General Admin (without User Management)

Quote Attr

Quote Type

Quote Type Attr

Administer Quoting

Rebate Agr Attr

Rebate Templ

Rebate Templ Attr

Rebate Agr Types

Rebate Agr Type Attr

Rebate Cond Types

Rebate Cond Type Attr

Administer Rebate Agreements

Rebate Calculation

Rebate Record Attr

Payout Record Attr

Administer Rebate Records


Manage Published Rollups

Saved Charts

Manage Saved Charts


Seller Attr

Seller Extension

Administer Sellers


User Groups

Administer Users

Workflow Logics

Manage Workflow Logics


If the deployment pipeline performed by pfxpackage tool is taking too long, it might be worth extending the timeout threshold - 120s is set in the pipeline templates as default. This may happen momentarily if the latency between the worker server running the pfx-package tool and the pricefx cluster has increased, or if your project has too many artifacts to be deployed at once, especially during rollouts of new phases.

Objects locked

When a calculation job is running, the table is locked. So you may need to re-run the pipeline.

Further reading:

See also:

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