Contract Header Type (CTHT)

Contract Header Type (CTHT)

Since version 10.0

Agreements & Promotions Type

When users creates a new Agreement/Promotion document, they always select which Agreements & Promotions Type the new document will belong to.

The Agreements & Promotions Type defines:

  • Configuration of the layout of the detail page.

  • Logic which calculates a summary of the Agreement & Promotion header.

  • Logic to filter the available Condition Types when the user is adding a new item to the agreement.

  • Logic to build the approval workflow steps for the Agreement & Promotion document.


The Agreements & Promotions Types are defined based on project needs and their meta definitions must be stored in the version system together with other configurations.

To configure an Agreements & Promotions document Type, navigate to Agreements & Promotions  Agreements & Promotions Types.


  • configuration – Configuration (as JSON string) of the detail page. You can configure e.g. additional tabs on the Agreements & Promotions detail page which will show information in the form of a dashboard. See definition of the Dynamic Tabs for more details.

  • uniqueName – Serves as a unique identification of this type. This name will be used in the Agreement & Promotion document as a foreign key, to identify the Agreements & Promotions Type used.

  • label – Description to guide users when they select the Agreements & Promotions Type while creating a new Agreement & Promotion document.

  • headerFormulaName – Name of the contract header logic used for building inputs and calculating results for the Agreement & Promotion header. It can also manipulate the items and folders.

  • workflowFormulaName – Name of the approval workflow logic which will build the approval steps for the Agreement & Promotion document.

  • creationWorkflowFormulaName – Name of the creation workflow logic which builds the steps of document creation workflow. (available from version 14.0)

  • condTypeFilterFormulaName – Name of condition filter logic which will be used to filter the available Agreements & Promotions Types when the user is adding a new item to the agreement.

  • attribute1..30 – These fields are typically used as parameters for the Agreements & Promotions logics. For example, if two different Agreements & Promotions Types have the majority of the item calculations the same, you can consider to use the same logic for both, and when the logic is executed for a line item, it can read the Agreements & Promotions Type attributes values to understand which specific calculations it should do for the current line item.

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