Configuration and Tips - Miscellaneous

Calculation Flow







Avoid very frequent runs of calculation flow

Do not lower the frequency of job checking to seconds (to achieve very precise job order), as this has a huge negative impact on the whole system.

If you need to run a calculation flow at a high frequency (e.g., more often than every 5 minutes) and exact timing, it is recommended to use an external scheduler and work with JSON API commands / formula executions.

Calculation Flow Management

Daylight saving time not considered in CF schedule

Calculation Flow schedule time does not reflect daylight saving time (since it is based on the server time in UTC). If you need to have the Calculation Flow running daily at exact time, you need to include a custom code which will handle it when switching to summer/winter time.

Calculation Flows Configuration

Access and Permissions







Details on user access to objects and their details

A user can always see the object in a list of objects, but access to a detail (either View or Edit) is driven by Groups.

Entitlement Concept

Even if the user cannot see a particular object in detail (because of the group restriction), they will still be able to see the header of the object, e.g., the short Quote info in the list of Quotes.

For values in the 'User Group (view details)' and 'User Group (Edit)' fields the following limit applies: 254 characters (including both characters of group names and commas separating them).

If 'Edit' is not set, the object can be viewed by all users. So it makes no sense to set the 'View Details' restriction and leave 'Edit' empty.

In a copy, the 'Edit' group is removed if the copying user is not its member.

Permission on copied objects

User groups are assigned only to newly created objects, not to copied objects.









Avro format for files with huge numbers

When using datamart.importfile to upload a file with huge numbers (20+ significant decimal digits) it is recommended to use the Avro format. In CSV and XLSX files, you can use numbers within the double type or long type ranges.

Use ...manager.fetch whenever available

Certain data elements (e.g. lookup table values of any table, including JSON lookup tables / pricing params) should NOT be retrieved with the generic fetch commands. Always use the “...manager.fetch" API endpoints where they are available. The same applies to update/delete/integrate commands.








No special chars in business keys

Do not use values with national special characters. Also avoid using other uncommon special characters like %$" etc. Do not use values with leading (or trailing) spaces or other whitespace characters like tabs.

If national special characters are present in the data, it is best to replace them in the ETL phase with some other (mutually agreed) combination of characters (such as replacing Å with ?A?).

Business Keys - Recommendations


What is included in Data Export

The data are only saved into the ZIP, but they stay in the tables (i.e., they are not deleted from the tables). For DMDataSource, DMDataFeed and DMDatamart only meta-data is exported, never the actual data. Only Preferences that are marked as global are exported.

Data Exports

Importing back ZIP files

If you import data from a ZIP file which was created using the export or archive functionality and if this data originally contained a hierarchy tree (parent-child relation among objects), this relation is not preserved after the import.

Data Imports

Slow rendering of Result Matrix

Make sure you have no saved preferences with the auto-fit feature for the table.

Case sensitive SAML configuration names

You must keep the casing of the configuration name in any URLs where the name is used (even if it means to use all caps in the URL).

Configure SAML in Pricefx

Using JWT tokens

When an API call with user/pass authentication header is called, a JWT token is automatically issued (as a cookie). It is highly recommended to use the JWT for subsequent calls and not user/pass on every API call.


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