Calculation Grid (CG)

Since version 10.0


id – (Long)

label – (label) Name of the calculation grid.

targetDate – (LocalDateTime) Date used as the target date for the logic execution.If not set, the engine will use today date when starting the calculation.

description – (String) Description of the calculation grid for the user.

calculationGridType – (KeyType) Determines what type of key the line item should have - CG1 …​ CG6.

keyGenerationType – (KeyGenerationType) How the keys are generated - DATA_DRIVEN (key values entered manually or from data sources, list of key combinations created as cartesian product of the provided value series), LOGIC_DRIVEN (keys values generated by a provided "key" logic), MANUAL (key values entered manually or from data sources, then grid items created manually by user).

configuration – (JSON) Configuration parameters defined by the user in the UI while creating the new Calculation Grid. Contains properties such as how many keys the item will have, how the key is provided, which logic is used for items calculation, etc.

status – (CalculationStatus)

calculationMessages – (JSON) JSON array of text strings to hold calculation error messages.

approvalState – (ApprovalState)

relativeTargetDateDays – (Integer)

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