Contract Term Type (CTT)

Contract Term Type (CTT)

Since Godfather 8.0 you can find Contract Term Types in the user interface under the name Condition Types, located in the Agreements & Promotions menu.

When users add a new contract item to the contract document, they always select of which Contract Term Type the new item will be.

The Contract Term Type defines:

  • Which logic will be used for calculation of the item of this Contract Term Type.

    • Parameters which can be used by that logic.


To configure a Contract Term Type, navigate to Agreements & Promotions  Condition Types.

contract term type list

The Contract Term Types are defined based on project needs, and their meta definitions must be stored in the version system together with other configuration.


  • uniqueName – Name which will be used in the contract line item as a foreign key, to identify the Contract Term Type used.

  • label – Description to guide users when they select the Contract Term Type during a new contract line item creation.

  • formulaName – Name of the logic used for calculation of the contract items. Note that this logic is not used for folders; their inputs or results are calculated by the contract header logic.

  • attribute1..30 – These fields can be used as parameters for the Contract Term logics. For example, if two Contract Term Type logics have the same majority of item calculations, you can create a single logic and when the logic is executed, it can read the Contract Term Type attributes to understand which specific calculations it should do for the current item.

  • waterfallElement – You can use this field to keep the name of the waterfall element (not to be confused with a logic element) into which you plan to store the result value of the Contract Term Type calculation in a waterfall (e.g. in a Datamart field, or when you calculate a quote) This value is NOT processed in any way automatically, it is up to you when and how you will use it.

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