Price Record (PR) (Quotes)
Price Record is used in two contexts - in Quotes and also in Promotions. Most of the fields are used in both contexts, but some are specific to only one of these.
A price record:
Represents one quote item.
Is automatically created from a quote line item once the quote gets to the Deal state.
Is usually used as an export format for external systems because it has simpler structure than a quote line item (QLI).
id – ID of the record.
sourceId – Unique name of the quote document.
lineId – Line number of the quote line item.
customerId – ID of the customer.
sku – ID of the product.
label – Product description.
priority : Integer – Priority of the record. It can be used when more records overlap (i.e. they are valid on the same day, and have the same SKU and customerId) and you need to decide which one to use. The priority must then be set already on the quote line item.
validAfter : Date – First date of validity of the conditions stored on the record.
expiryDate : Date – Last date of validity.
externalRef – External reference number. This is a copy of External Reference from the Quote header.
Active – When the source quote document is in the Deal state.
Revoked – When the source quote document is revoked.
Invalidated – When the source quote document is invalidated.
attribute1..30 – Values of either inputs or results from the quote line item.
attributeExtension___<fieldName> – Arbitrary number of attributeExtension fields which can be used in the same way as attribute1..30. The fields with the String type do not have limited size.
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