Fetch Data from General Data Source
Fetch Data from General Data Source
This code fetches data from Product Extension with the name Cars where attribute2 is bigger than 100. For a big dataset use batchedMode. You can fetch data from multiple data sources (P, PX, C, CX, etc.).
<filter id="pxCarsFilter">
<criterion fieldName="name" operator="equals" value="Cars"/>
<criterion fieldName="attribute2" operator="greaterThan" value="100"/>
<from uri="timer://fetchData?repeatCount=1"/>
<to uri="pfx-api:fetch?filter=pxCarsFilter&objectType=PX"/>
The same example but with a SQL-like query:
<from uri="timer://fetchDataByQuery?repeatCount=1"/>
<to uri="pfx-api:fetch?sql=select sku,name,attribute2 where name='Cars' and attribute2>100 order by sku&objectType=PX"/>
<log message="${body}"/>
, multiple selections available,
IntegrationManager version 6.0.0