Integration Backup

Integration Backup

The Data Backup script backs up integration data stored in the /var/pricefx/data and /home/customer directories. 

How It Works

  • The script scans the /var/pricefx/data and /home/customer directories recursively.

  • The output directory is /var/pricefx/archive/YYYY/MM/DD.

  • The script preserves the files in archive for 360 days.

  • The script stores files older than 3 days. Newer files stays in the directories untouched.









Backups of 3 days old files. 



Runs every day at 3 am.



Scans all directories and its subdirectories.



Contains all archived files for date minus 3 days.



Log file of executed integration_backup.sh

How to Set It Up

Ask Ops team to apply salt state called "im.backup" against the desired server.


Do it yourself:

salt-call state.apply im.backup

Where It Is Applied









Planned Development

  • Allow to configure things like files retention or archive retention by parameters provided to script



root@node1.arm-qa.pricefx.net ~/ops # salt-call state.apply im.backup local: ---------- ID: /home/ops/bin/integration_backup.sh Function: file.managed Result: None Comment: The file /home/ops/bin/integration_backup.sh is set to be changed Started: 13:01:23.201098 Duration: 421.757 ms Changes: ---------- newfile: /home/ops/bin/integration_backup.sh ---------- ID: /home/ops/bin/im_browse_backup_files.sh Function: file.managed Result: None Comment: The file /home/ops/bin/im_browse_backup_files.sh is set to be changed Started: 13:01:23.622952 Duration: 109.189 ms Changes: ---------- newfile: /home/ops/bin/im_browse_backup_files.sh ---------- ID: /home/ops/bin/im_unpack_backup_file.sh Function: file.managed Result: None Comment: The file /home/ops/bin/im_unpack_backup_file.sh is set to be changed Started: 13:01:23.732282 Duration: 96.032 ms Changes: ---------- newfile: /home/ops/bin/im_unpack_backup_file.sh ---------- ID: /etc/cron.d/integration_backup Function: file.managed Result: None Comment: The file /etc/cron.d/integration_backup is set to be changed Started: 13:01:23.828439 Duration: 106.861 ms Changes: ---------- newfile: /etc/cron.d/integration_backup Summary for local ------------ Succeeded: 4 (unchanged=4, changed=4) Failed: 0 ------------ Total states run: 4 Total run time: 733.839 ms root@node1.arm-qa.pricefx.net ~/ops #

Usage of integration_backup.sh

root@node1.coes-qa.pricefx.net ~ops/bin # ./integration_backup.sh 2019-02-07_12-21-14: STARTING ARCHIVING SCRIPT 2019-02-07_12-21-14: ------------------------------------------------------- 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Backup folders: /home/customer /var/pricefx/data 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Archive folder: /var/pricefx/archive 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Integration backup file: /var/pricefx/archive/2019/02/07/integration_backup_2019-02-07_12-21-14.tar 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Log file: /var/log/integration_backup_2019-02-07_12-21-14.log 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Retention for integration files: 30 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Retention for backup files: 180 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Temporary backup file: /tmp/tmp.P6WCpzdVbP 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Temporary remove backup file: /tmp/tmp.ks4bdoVxAW 2019-02-07_12-21-14: ------------------------------------------------------- 2019-02-07_12-21-14: ------------------------------------------------------- 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Checking validity of backuping folders: /home/customer /var/pricefx/data 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Checking folder /home/customer 2019-02-07_12-21-14: /home/customer is a valid folder! 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Checking folder /var/pricefx/data 2019-02-07_12-21-14: /var/pricefx/data is a valid folder! 2019-02-07_12-21-14: ------------------------------------------------------- 2019-02-07_12-21-14: ------------------------------------------------------- 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Completing files which has modification time over 30 days to temporary file /tmp/tmp.P6WCpzdVbP 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Files to be archived: /home/customer/coesia-qa/filearea/gdm-qa/IN/Error/SALESCONDITION_TABLE__20190110-095140.csv /home/customer/coesia-qa/filearea/gdm-qa/IN/Error/TRANSACTION_TABLE__20190110-095119.csv /home/customer/coesia-qa/filearea/gdm-qa/IN/Archive/2019/01/CUSTOMER_TABLE__20190110_095019.csv /home/customer/coesia-qa/filearea/gdm-qa/IN/Archive/2019/01/CONVERSION_TABLE__20190110_094939.CSV /home/customer/coesia-qa/filearea/gdm-qa/IN/Archive/2019/01/PRODUCT_TABLE__20190110_095042.csv /home/customer/coesia-qa/filearea/gdm-qa/IN/Archive/2019/01/PRODUCTEXT_TABLE__20190110_095104.csv /home/customer/coesia-qa/filearea/gdm-qa/IN/Archive/2019/01/PARTNER_TABLE__20190110_095019.csv /home/customer/coesia-qa/filearea/gdm-qa/IN/Archive/2019/01/PURCHASECOST_TABLE__20190110_095102.csv Files count: 8 /tmp/tmp.P6WCpzdVbP 2019-02-07_12-21-14: ------------------------------------------------------- 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Archiving files to: /var/pricefx/archive/2019/02/07/integration_backup_2019-02-07_12-21-14.tar tar: Removing leading `/' from member names 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Archiving completed! 2019-02-07_12-21-14: ------------------------------------------------------- 2019-02-07_12-21-14: ------------------------------------------------------- 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Removing already archived files! 2019-02-07_12-21-14: All files removed! 2019-02-07_12-21-14: ------------------------------------------------------- 2019-02-07_12-21-14: ------------------------------------------------------- 2019-02-07_12-21-14: Removing backups older than 180 days. 2019-02-07_12-21-14: No backup candidates for removing found older than 180 days! 2019-02-07_12-21-14: ------------------------------------------------------- 2019-02-07_12-21-14: END ARCHIVING SCRIPT root@node1.coes-qa.pricefx.net ~/ops #

In output above you can see some temporary files. For debugging purposes you can see, for example, which files were marked to be backed up.

Another temporary file /tmp/tmp.ks4bdoVxAW is empty because as you can see that script could not find any archives older than 180 days. 

Temporary files are generated on the fly, so they are unique for each script run. You can recognize which temp file belongs to which run by the log file. In the log file there is written the same info as you can see in the output, so it can be easily paired if needed. The script does not remove the temporary files. This can change in the future.

Usage of im_browse_backup_files.sh

Help message

Without any parameters it will show all files in all archives.


You can use both parameters or just one. As you can see, parameters are not case sensitive. Of course, you can use another pipe for grep etc.

Usage of im_unpack_backup_file.sh

Help message


Let's say we need to restore files for transactions from 10.11.2018 for gdm-qa customer. Using the previous script we can do this:

Now you can copy your file anywhere you want (for example back for reprocessing). The file has the same permissions as at the time of archiving.  

Do not forget to remove the temporary unpacked folder after you are done.

IntegrationManager version 6.0.0