Part 1 - Prepare Integration in PlatformManager
This process is described in detail in PlatformManager documentation. We will focus on IM aspects here.
In this section:
Step 1 - Create New Integration
You should create a new integration with at least two environments to finish this tutorial. You need to select an IM version which is created with the cloud provider. Often it is the most recent one. You can distinguish these instances by the fact that the Environment table and Region are present.
Click Submit and wait until the integration is done.
Step 2 - Prepare Connection
You need to create a new connection of the type PriceFx Client. Click Save & Deploy.
Step 3 - Deploy Template
Go to Marketplace and find the Load CSV from file to Pricefx template:
Deploy the template on the integration. In the process, select the connection you have defined:
For the next part, you need to set File path:
You can get File path from the registration email – the field Path.
Finish the mapping:
Once the template is deployed, check that the route was created:
Step 4 - Add Git Permissions
Open the permissions on the parent of the project. Then select Add User and select one or more users to permit access to the Git instance:
Only users which already have access to the account/integration are listed. If you want to add someone else (e.g. partner), you need to create an account in PlatformManager and then add this user to the integration.
Once finished, click Add and Save Changes.
IntegrationManager version 6.0.0